OddFellas a band to check out
Interview conducted on June 24, 2019
by Dan Locke
100% non-vegan meat sauce for your ear drums, presented to you by a bodacious embodiment of wholesome spaghetti sound with complimentary cheese whiz quesadillas. The clown has no penis. Abusive whammy sticks and fat bottomed bass lines is what you want, and there’s no prescription needed here.
Band Members
Drake Fisher – Lead Vocals
Dako Ryan Esparza – Guitar
Mason Galaviz – Drums
Dan Locke: Your band is from Pampa, TX. Tell me what it is like for live music in Pampa?

OddFellas: We have our own little music scene here in Pampa. There are maybe three rock bands and some hip-hop artists that do shows every now and then at a venue called The Jam House. When we do have shows here, it’s packed out wall-to-wall, so that’s cool. I think until we started a band, there was kind of a drought in the music scene, but it seems like we’re doing pretty damn good bringing it back together. I feel like we have influenced a lot of bands even in the surrounding areas, like Amarillo and Lubbock to do more things, like traveling, and other cool band shit. Woody Guthrie came from Pampa, but no one that lives here gives a damn. We will make that known. Next, are your boys.
How did you get together?
We’ve kind of been jamming since high school together. There was a little while where we let our stupid ass jobs get in the way of us doing music, but we eventually started what we have now and it’s pretty fucking cool. Sometimes, I wish we would have just said, “Fuck work!” But yeah, we’ve all lived in Pampa and have known each other our whole lives. You could say it was meant to be for sure…
How did you pick your name?
One day I was thinking about yesterday. The moon said, “Hi, sun. It’s been a great day. Good night.” The bugs made babies and we turned out to be OddFellas…nothing special. I guess you could say we’re odd as fuck. That’s about it.
Did you know there is a band out there with the name Oddfellows from Dallas and another one called The Odd Fellas?
They can try to be odd…but we all know they aren’t.
Why did you pick Walk On By as your first single?
It actually wasn’t our first single. It’s a good song though.
Are you afraid people may mix it up with Dionne Warwick version or the Average White Band?
This question is a little too odd, and I’m too fucking stupid to even know what you mean. But yeah.
What venue did you use to record the video?
In a basement downtown.
Drake, who is the girl on the cover of your Facebook page?
Drake Fisher: I don’t know, probably my wife? If you’re talking about the cover, that’s a big sexy ass me posing for the frame.
Drake, you went to South Plains College. Did you know the following people are alumni from the college:
Drake Fisher: Waylon Jennings
Natalie Maines (Dixie Chicks)
Lee Ann Womack
I never ended up going to that college. I enrolled, but then joined some stupid ass cover band to play drums and smoked a lot of weed instead. Maybe I should take that off my Facebook since that’s where people seem to get info. Who needs college? I do.
Mason, what is Ingles Language?
Mason Galaviz: Ingles is English in Spanish. It was a funny joke. I did that when I was like 14 and created my Facebook…
Dakota, what took you from the great outdoors of Seattle (Oak Harbor, WA) to Texas?
Drake Fisher: I was born there and we moved to Texas!
I see all of you are in a relationship. Do you feel that helps you write better songs?
We definitely get a few inspirations from our relationships for some songs. But better??? Nah.
I am going to name some bands from Texas. I would like you to say something about each band if possible:
Great band, influential to many of the artists we’ve played with. Drake says, “Totally overrated.”Demi Lovato-
Liked her in Camp Rock. Drake says, “Sup, Demi?”The Sword-
One of our favorites. We jam with them on the road quite often. Drake says, “They’re pretty sharp.”Butthole Surfers-
Listening now… Drake says, “Good road trip music.”ZZ Top-
Every girl’s crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man.
How do you see yourself in five years?
Selling out a world tour with Pearl jam and Post Malone.
Anything in closing for your fans?
Anything is possible. Love you. Bye!
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