Interview with George Dimitriadis
Interview conducted on September 17, 2019
by Dan Locke
The Hard Rockers from Thessaloniki have been presenting to us for 4 years now their proposal carrying with them dirt, vagrancy and wildness. Inspired by the music and the attitude of the hard n heavy decade 85-95 they shoot with their “Leftover Bullets” to kill in our decade.
Band Members
Drums: George Dimitriadis
Bass: Dimitris Argy
Lead Guitar: George Karathanasis
Vocals: Giannis Vogia
Dan Locke: How is the live music scene in Thessaloniki?
George Dimitriadis: We do have quite an amazingly strong stage appearance in our hometown. Even though the truth is heavy music isn’t at its peak in our country there are numerous groups everywhere and a satisfying number of small stages hosting live programs.
How did the band form?
We met at a rehearsal studio owned by our lead singer and very quickly found so many common things tying us together.
Have you played in any other bands before Leftover Bullets?
We all were members of other bands in the past but they were not so active.
How did you get your name for the band?
We formed our band 6 years ago. At that time many young people were emigrating to other countries because of the economic crisis in Greece. We stayed here in our country feeling like we were the leftovers, but feeling quite active hence our name Leftover Bullets.
Why do you feel that85-95 is a heavy decade to type your music behind?
As children of the decade 85-95, we grew up to the music of bands and their albums that were flourishing at that time. Now in their own rights, they have been classified as classics. We saw what happened when the Black Album of Metallica appeared or the explosion of G.n.R., the birth of Seattle, etc.
Since you band based out of Thessaloniki, I am going to ask you about some bands from the same area. I would like to you make a statement about each band:
![Leftover Bullets](
Firewind KostasKaramitroudis Sifu Versus
We simply feel very proud that Firewind and Gus G are from here. Most of our members know him personally. Once by chance, he turned up at one of our shows. It’s truly unbelievable what Gus has achieved and an example worth copying.
In Thessaloniki, there is a record store. On Stage Records. Tell me about it?
We have a great relationship with the guys there. Of course, you can find our first album there, “Virtue and Vice”, and we are anxious to have the second in vinyl!
You recorded your latest cd at Foundry Recording Studio. Do you feel they fit your bill, or was there something else you wish you could have done?
We are very happy to have chosen Foundry Studio to record our second album. We have done great job with our producer George Vasilas and can’t wait to release it as to see the people’s reactions. Our song “Confused” which has been recorded earlier has great reviews and surely we still have improvements in our album.
Do you write your songs in Greek or in English?
What song do fans love the most while you are playing on stage?
From the previous album, we think that “Might be Miles Away” has had a great impact and of course so has “80’s Child” which we always play last on our shows. But “Confused” is creeping mysteriously into people’s favorites lately
How is the latest tour coming along?
We don’t have a tour at the moment, because of the recordings of the new album.
Do you have any plans to tour sometime later this year?
We are to visit quite a few of our cities and of course the big shows and the presentations of our new album in Athens and Thessaloniki.
Tell me an Ouzo story?
Come over even once and look us up. We live ouzo stories every day!
How do you see your band in five years?
The goal is always the top. We still have a long way to go, if you like you can make us the same question five years from now.
Anything you would like to close with for your fans?
Soon “TellMama we’re Doing O.K.” will be out. New videos are on the way. Tours are being prepared. Get ready! We are here to stay! And don’t forget, keep your head-high and your dreams higher!
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