The Harps own Andry Lagiou
Interview conducted on December 17, 2019
by Dan Locke
THE HARPS was founded by the band’s lead singer, Andry Lagiou, in Athens, Greece, somewhere in 2012 when they started performing mainly her own compositions and arrangements.The songs could be described as being hard rock driven, featuring ear-catching guitar riffs, bringing along some of Andry’s classical music influences, making that way the perfect marriage, between notes of an ancient time, and the sounds of today. HARPS’ debut album is openly referred to those who can stand tall, becoming a “Wireflame”, to face the difficulties of a “Lovecirlce”.Those who can think under a “Bloody Sun” making themselves “Immortal Soldiers”, as they’re thickening up their skin, whilst they are so “Vulnerably in Love”…so vulnerable that things changed..and as life chages so does 2014 Andry got to know many musicians and she started playing gigs with Christoforos Krokidis.In that summer she got to know better the bassist of Symphony X Mike Lepond.Mike asked her if she needed a bassist her answer was yes..LOVE STRIKES DOVES is the 1st album.In 2018 Andry formed the band with Mike Lepond ( SYMPHONY X / ROSS THE BOSS) on the sound is Mike Exeter (BLACK SABBATH/JUDAS PRIEST/DIO) on the Guitar Stephen Platt and keys Corvin Bahn ( ULI JOHN ROTH) and next album named SKIES is on the process
Listen/ watch the MISTRESS OF THE NIGHT new promo song
Dan Locke :Andry-You have many different hats as a lead singer. How do you have the time?
Andry Lagiou: Thank you first of all for this interview on Unrated Magazine. Of course, I am the lead singer but mostly I do it all, music lyrics orchestration. I even design my own clothes many times.I won’t lie it is exhausting but it is fun it is my dream job creating stuff.
If I really had the time I would have had 5 albums, at least till now. I studied also Spanish philology in France and worked as an MUA. I can always find the time for the things i love for sure.
You can do Janis Joplin, Queen, Judas Priest, to Beyonce. You have a ton of videos, which one is your best solo and with the band? And why?
I’m versatile and I play many genres, unlike my boys that are 100% Metalheads. My best solo is WALK IN THE SHADOWS – QUEENSRYCHE. Micheal Wilton liked it too.
With the band, I can’t decide between my babies, because it’s my creations I can’t stand out. I have an album that Classic Rock and the new one which is totally pure Heavy Metal. I’m very proud of PINK PALM TREE though.
Andry-Do you play guitar?
Andry- You went from LA to Athens why?
I was in L.A. for the NAMM SHOW, many people think I live there because its the perfect place for me, it suits me and expresses me to the bone.
It is in my plans to live there in some years.
Andry- You were on both The Voice Greece and The Final Four. What is the difference between the two?
Well, both had the same outcome I didn’t win .haha..The Voice was way Better than the Final four which was a total disaster for a huge production like this.
I went to the Final because I wanted to show people that this is all fake even though it’s different Channel, different production and band, but still the same setup.
Andry- Cookies?
HAHA yes !!! You’re my Cookies!! Not those from the Net. It’s a kind approach from me to people I love, even if they hate me.
I know it doesn’t sound that Metal the Hbut I Love it !! or should I say kooky?!

Mike- Tell me about a story about being on the road with one of your bands?
Mike LePond: I have been touring for almost 20 years and I still love every moment. The fans make all the traveling worth it. I look forward to seeing everyone again when The Harps hit the road.
How did the band form?

Andry: The band’s created by me in 2012 when I started performing covers with some of my songs included. There was a Greek band at that time. Then I changed many members throughout the years.
Mike was here from the very beginning of the recordings in 2014 when we met. I tried to Collaborate with Matt Thompson(King Diamond) that recorded one song from the new album but it couldn’t work since there were so many things to do and his schedule couldn’t flow with ours. I hope in the future we can be together again.
How your band did get its name?
It is kinda romantic but I was trying to find inner peace for years I’m very nervous and nimble.
I was trying to find a way to relax and I finally did when I heard the harp, also I like it because it contains the harpye she is half woman half bird from the Mythology, And i love birds you can notice from the cover album LOVE STRIKES DOVES.
After being on the Final Four did your fan base increase?
I would say the fame increases I Greece there not so many rockers as it appears to be.they recognize me yes.
Have you ever check out The Harp Twins? They do a version of Metallica “one”.
Yes but that’s totally different from what I do. There is also harp beer, harp club, harper Avenue and yes THE HARPOS CONCERT that i should be playing there by now.
Your band is from Athens Greece. Tell me how the live music scene in Athens?
The music scene here dies from time to time. I am trying to keep it alive with gigs and organize Metal fest but its impossible to recover. The crise struck here so much.
Tell me about your upcoming release?
The new album is called ”SKIES”.In greek skies means Shadows. It’s dark it’s powerful it’s classic, goth, theatrical mixed of everything. Its storytelling, pure n heavy. I got two more colors added ‘ black and white ‘. It’s the revelations time that there will be a trilogy with the 3rd one. I’m a spoiler.
How do you see your band within the next five years?
Anything in closing you like to say?
I’m very proud of my journey till now because I created this with my own hands and with the help of the band(Mike Lepond-Stephen Platt-Corvin Bahn), and my friends. I want to thank my dear friend Yiannis that supported me all this time to ups and downs. And we back on recs.
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