Tengger Caalry at the Beat Kitchen in Chicago, June 10 2017. Photo by Jenafur Schlangen – Adams
Beat Kitchen – Chicago, IL, USA – June 10, 2017
Story by Jenafur Schlangen
Having played a sold out show at Carngie Hall in the past, the Beat Kitchen in Chicago was very lucky to have had Tengger Cavalry grace their intimate stage on June 10, 2017. And, not only was the venue lucky to have had them, the people who showed up to witness this metal spectacle were, without a doubt, also lucky in their own right. Tengger Cavalary, a self-proclaimed, “nomadic folk metal band,” are a true testament to pure original music and I cannot even begin to give them the accolades they deserve.
Listen, to be quite honest, I was a bit skeptical when heading out to check these guys out. I mean, a “nomadic folk metal” band? C’mon. But, once the music started, I could not stop smiling as I, within a mere few seconds, immediately became entranced with what was happening before me. I simply loved it! The entire experience provided a level of aggression that all metal bands seem to base their existence however, there was something about these guys that actually made me feel a sense of raw and uninhibited emotion while I literally stood there in awe. Perhaps it was the “nomadic” component they possess. After all, the true definition of nomadic is, “roaming about from place to place aimlessly, frequently, or without a fixed pattern of movement1.”
They have a chunky, low-end driven sound, yet adding the fiddle (Robert McLaughlin) was what made their entire sound beyond exclusive. They played for a bit more than an hour (13 songs), proudly showing Chicago’s Beat Kitchen who’s boss within this style of music…all of which intertwine elements of the earth and nomadic perseverance. I seriously cannot go on enough about how unique, yet very powerful, this band is. Thumbs WAY up for Tengger Cavalry! I look forward to their next tour and if you trust me in the least bit, you will find a way to see them as well.
The band is currently touring the USA until July 8th and then will be heading to Europe until August.
Current lineup: Nature G (vocal & guitar), Alex Abayev (bass), Josh Schifris (drum), Uljmuren De (fiddle) and Robert McLaughlin (fiddle).
Set List:
- Cavalry in Thousands
- Die on My Ride
- Cursed
- Hymn of the Earth
- Independence Day
- To the Sky
- War Horse
- Blade of Time
- Tengger Cavalry
- Golden Horde
- Wasted
- Me Against Me
- Mountain Side
View Tengger Cavalry Tour Dates Here
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Temgger Cavalry at Unratedmagazine.com
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