A Brilliant Lie hits the big time
Rocklahoma, Pryor, OK, USA, May 27, 2018
by Savannah Rowley
Sunday was the day we had all been waiting for. After our almost 19hour journey and two previous very long and hot (as we weren’t used to the dry heat) soundly packed days of rock.
A Brilliant Lie started off Rocklahoma Day 3 on the Retrospect Stage. We loaded in early around 1:30, soundcheck and the seven-song set followed at 3 that had people laughing, waving their hands and on the ground with their popular cover of Toto’s “Africa” and their well-known hits off of YouTube, “This Is War” and “Pieces.” After their set, the band had an hour long meet & greet and we checked out the catering (which was amazing) for dinner.
Overall, Rocklahoma was one jam-packed weekend filled with lots of new memories, experiences, and a gateway to the next big thing for A Brilliant Lie, here’s a

A Brilliant Lie (credit: Savannah Rowley)
statement from singer Tara Lightfoot, “Rocklahoma is more than a festival. It’s an immersion into Rock Music. Being a part of the festival (both behind the scenes and front of house) was a constant adventure. From the music…to the camps…to the camaraderie…Rocklahoma is one of the greats. We’ll see you in 2019.
“Being a first-time touring photographer, my 10-day trip included a three-day festival and four other shows, traveling between a total of seven states. It was the most surreal experience I’ve had yet at only the age of 19. From sleeping in the van to crashing on lots of peoples’ floors, including a record store in Murfreesboro, TN and some hotels when we needed. I now know what it means when they say how hard it is to communicate with people back home, mixed with the endless stop-and-go of traveling and I definitely took some organization tips home for next time. It was an honor and pleasure to assist the amazingly talented group in A Brilliant Lie, and you’ll see us again together at the very last VANS WARPED TOUR date in West Palm Beach, FL on August 5th!”
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A Brilliant Lie
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my website is savileeography.com and all of my socials are @savileeography if you also want to include that!
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