KJ Melgoza, Can a Metal Guitarist enjoy old school Brittany Spears
Interview conducted on January 17, 2018
By Daniel Locke
Swedish metallers OFFENSIVE GROUND‘s guitarist KJ has entered The Landon Guitars roster!
KJ Melgoza states: “I’m excited to announce I’m officially an artist with Landon Guitars! Their guitars and basses are masterfully built in absolutely all aspects of sound, playability, and looks. Be ready for more to come with theses amazing guitars. Here’s Landon Guitars twentyfive12 serial 008.”
As previously announced, OFFENSIVE GROUND’s other guitarist Tian Mammola signed the sponsorship deal with the UK’s Castle Cases!
October 27th, OFFENSIVE GROUND released their highly acclaimed debut album “Nightmare King”! To celebrate the release, the band unleashed the album for streaming via Spotfy, or download the album via iTunes, at this location: @iTunes
Just recently OFFENSIVE GROUND teamed up with the Swedish brewery Tjers Bryggeri, to launch the band’s own beer, entitled Offensive Ground Red Ale! For now, it’s available via online orders, or placing your order at one of the Swedish Systembolaget. Get more information on Offensive Ground Red Ale and the brewery, here: Facebook tjersbryggeri.se
Formed in Luleå, Sweden fall 2011, OFFENSIVE GROUND is a back to the roots, kick down your door kind of metal music. In February 2017 the band entered the studio to record what will be their Debut Album ‘Nightmare King’, released on October 27th 2017. OFFENSIVE GROUND is a band that pulls from many inspirations and many cultures while still retaining that in your face rock’n’roll groove. Their intensity is also carried on through out their live shows with energetic running, jumping, and all around maniac thrashing madness. They seamlessly pull of their brutal riffing and epic harmonies all while keeping you engaged as they instruct you to ‘tear down the walls till your hands break’. The new album confirms that OFFENSIVE GROUND have evolved into a monster that won’t be stopping in the foreseeable future, and as they say ‘Welcome to our Nightmare.’
Offensive Group Members:
Unratedmagazine: Who influences you and why?

Offensive Ground-KJ-Landon Guitars
KJ Melgoza:That’s a complicated question and I could go on forever, but to keep it short and simple John Petrucci is the king. I have a massive thing for Dream Theater and just about everything he plays a note on, it’s always just so tasty!
What is the music scene in Sweden like?
Diverse and alive. Seen so many great musicians and productions since living here, they even had Alice Cooper at an amusement park!
A lot of people think if you are talking about Swedish metal you are talking about black metal is this true?
Hmm… I’d imagine it’s actually a bit more in the realm of Death/Melodic Metal. Their massive catalog backs it up In Flames, Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, Katatonia… etc. So no not true at all I would say.
What do you feel, what direction the metal music is heading?
Hopefully a good one! The playing field is always changing, and we are just going to do our best to ‘adapt to overcome’. On the plus side of this over saturated market there’s a ton of kick ass bands out there pumping out music they love!
How did you get signed to the label?
Well when we decided to kick it up a notch with the albums impending release, we reached out to anyone’s contact we could find. After exploring the offers that came back it was a no brainer to team up with Alpha Omega Management?
Let’s talk about your endorsement deal. How did you get the endorsement deal with Landon Guitars?
A fun story for sure. I’ve been following them since they started especially when they posted a beautiful super Strat in blood red. We talked from time to time and when the opportunity arose the choice was obvious. Everything they do is custom shop so after going back and forth a bit settled on my first beauty from them and I couldn’t be happier to be part of their family!
What other endorsement deals do you have?
I’m with Hawk Picks a killer guitar pick company from the UK that make stellar picks. Rob found me on twitter actually and asked if I wanted to try some out even though I had a previous deal with who shall remain unnamed. I was immediately hooked with the Tonebird 7 which am lucky enough to have a custom version with my logo burned in on both sides for extra grip! I’m also affiliated with Hip Shot Products whom make hardware (Tuners, Bridges… etc.) The Landon also has a set of open gear tuners from Hip Shot. Oh and then there’s strings which I use D’addario NYXL’s which are the best strings of all time!
Let’s talk about the non-music endorsements now. How did you get a beer name after you?

Offensive Ground Beer
Well being from the very North of Sweden there is an extremely tight knit community in all aspects. Our drummer Krit and Bassist Anton are from a town called Överkallix which is even more up there than where we currently are based out of in Luleå. Tjers fell in love with our new album and asked to do a custom beer, and how do you say no to a delicious Microbrewery and a custom brew in your honor. It has actually sold really well and is available all over Sweden! So for all the fans wanting to try one looks like you’ll have to come to the motherland to get a taste for now!
Let’s talk about your new LP ‘Nightmare King’ selling?
Well it’s been great! But in this day and age we see a lot more streaming than record sales. Overall the album has seen some great praise from Sweden Rock Magazine, Rock Nytt, Metal Temple, and quite a few others that don’t come to me at the moment.
What are you going to pick for your next single?
It’s a hard decision, but the obvious choice for me personally is Nightmare King. It’s a brutal balls to the wall/in your face jam to kick down doors and take names!
How did you pick the person to produce your album?
That decision was made before my time with the band, although I was with them for preproduction and during the final recording. Jakob Herrmann is truly masterful with his Production work and Engineering skills with the rap sheet to match, so I’m sure that was what brought the band to choose him for the album that has become Nightmare King.
What type of clubs have you played in (size)?
We have spent much of the time since I’ve joined the band getting this album together and released, but Offensive Ground has played all over North Sweden and a few Southern Europe gigs.
What music fests would you like to play in?
Well I think number 1 is the great metal festival Wacken in Germany. But no doubt we would be honored to play some of the other killer festivals here in Europe like Hellfest (France), Graspop (Belgium), and the home turf fest Sweden Rock Festival.
Have you looked into SXSW?

I’m from the states myself and have never attended, but from my understanding it’s not really geared toward hard rock/metal acts. We are pretty heavy and might not be accepted well there, you never know though it just might happen. I’m sure if the opportunity arose we would jump on the offer.
Are you thinking about doing the US for a tour?
We have had a few chances, unfortunately things prevented them from happening. We will definitely be making a trek through the US as soon as possible!
How would you explain your live performance?
Well if you’ve listened to the album the show doesn’t fall short of that aggressive all systems at 11 feeling. We give it everything because there is no point to half ass something you’re passionate about!
Who have you opened up for?
The band has opened for a few acts worth noting. The tour in Spain was in support of Smash into Pieces a really cool band doing some very original music. Most Recently opened for Beneath My Feet a Norrbotten band that has been killing it throughout Sweden and Europe for a few years now. I’m sure I’m missing one or two more, but nothing currently comes to mind.
If someone was listening to you for the first time, what 3 videos or songs would you tell them to look/listen to and why?
Well of course the recent video for Salvage Dump really has that Swedish Melodic metal touch to it. Nightmare King for the people that want all in from start to finish. As well as Take You Back which has this strange Necrophiliac theme to it that is just bone chilling.
How do you see your band in the next 5 years?
Still driving hard working to get to the next step. I’m sure no matter where we are in 5 years we will be grinding like nobody’s business to push the boundaries and grow as a band and as friends to deliver the signature sound that is Offensive Ground.
Any guilty pleasures your fans would be surprise you listen to?
Oh god I appreciate so many kinds of music that I’m sure most people wouldn’t expect what lives on my playlists. Lately I’ve been stuck on some old school Brittany Spears… that’s right I said it and now it’s out there! Haha
What is on your phone for music now?
I actually don’t use my phone for music, I don’t even have a subscription to Spotify or any streaming service. I rock an old school iPod Classic that holds like 160 GB of music or something like that. I need a huge music selection all the time and absolutely hate the streaming trend thing, so I buy music and put it there. Currently while writing this I’m listening to Dream Theaters ‘Scenes of A Memory’ which is a work of art and probably my number 1 favorite album of all time so I try not to listen to it too much!
Anything in closing you would like to say?
I just want to thank anybody and everybody who has supported me and the guys in Offensive Ground. Also whoever got through my answers here hope it was fun for all. 2018is here and I’m looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you on this journey.
Thank you for interviewing with Unrated Magazine.
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