The Mountain Stage July 25, 2021
Culture Center Theater, Charleston, WV
by Elizabeth Locke
I am from the Philippines and I had never seen a live concert in person. Not saying they do not have live music in the Philippines. They do. However, while I was raised in the Philippines, I never had time to go to any shows.
Now that I am in the United States, I now have the chance to experience more things. In addition, one of these is music from all parts of the world. In addition, get to see it perform live.
So, on July 25 we headed down to the Culture Center Theater in Charleston, West Virginia, to add to my experience in my life.

We got to the Culture Center and tour the area (it is located in the state capital) before heading into the show. Got our tickets and wait in line. As we waiting in line, we could hear them doing their rehearsal before the show. Once they finish the rehearsal, we were let into the show.

Before they started the show, we said that we could take all the cell phone photos that we like. However, NO FLASH. In addition, they would like us to put the photos on our Instagram account so they could be linked back to the mountain stage.
The show was sold out, but it was less than half filled. Maybe because of the virus. People are still afraid to be in the show. We had to option to wear masks. The nice thing about the show was Livestream, so people could watch it at home on their phones also.
Then the show started with each performer having about 20 min to perform.

The Suitcase Junket- He was a one-man show. With all of the music coming out of his suitcase. He is really known to create a song using what he had on stage.

Chris Pierce- He was like a black Bob Dylan. Moreover, he put a tear in my eye for his song about Black Lives Matter.

Christian Lopez- He was good. Still trying to make a mark for himself after Rolling Stone says he is someone to watch.

Erin & The Wildfire- The woman with a big sound.

Amy Helm- Rock and Roll Royal. With her parents being Levon Helm from The Band and her, mother Libby Titus. I know I was going to see a great show. And she did put on a superior show. She really shows us why she was a part of Rock and Roll Royalty!
Moreover, in the end, all the performers joined on stage to create a cover tune. This time they reach back to a song that Bob Dylan did back in the ’60s with the Band.
In closing, it was fun to be part of the live audience. Knowing I can always go back to re-experience the show on their podcast. To me, this was true Appalachian Hospitality at its finest.
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