Interview Conducted on March 16, 2018
By Dan Locke
A multicultural group of people from different corners of the world, against all odds of ever meeting, joined forces to bring about a message of union and uprising against the forces that hold the every-man down.
From their base in Hollywood California, THE MÆNSION hit the road hot and fast, bringing their message across 16 countries to date, on hundreds of “riots” organized as a grassroots movement, without the backing of big corp, only thanks to the support of local communities embracing their vision and message. Will you stand up and let your voice be heard?
“We are the army of the people, Power to us, Power to us!”, “Say it! Say it! We are not gonna follow you!”. These are just some of the slogans chanted along with the crowds during their “RIOTS” happening around the globe.
RÆVOLUTION world tour is happening now! Join the movement- FB
SKYE – Keytar ⦅⎮⦆
THE RIZ – Bass ⦅⎮⦆
Unratedmagazine: Your band has been around since 2008. Can you talk about the history of the band? And how the present lineup got together.
Mark MÆNSION: I founded the band in Hollywood CA and it took going through several lineup changes to find some valuable and committed people crazy enough to follow me around the globe!
Skye and I met in Hollywood, she was going through a life changing period and we connected immediately, I just knew she was talented and born to be a Rockstar from the moment I first saw her!
The Riz was originally a fan, he came to see us a couple times in Germany where he lived. He told us if we ever needed a bassist he’d jump on it, as it was his dream to be in a proper band and tour the world, and you know most people just talk. but he kept in touch so when we had an opening I said to Skye, let’s give this guy a shot he seems really motivated, so we did. The Riz has been an awesome band member and I think in another life him and I were probably sailors exploring the seas together and hunting for gold or something! (laughs) He is like a brother!
You have toured all around the world. What was the best and worst place you have played and why?

MM: Best place is always the one we haven’t been yet. We are a growing movement and as such we like being exposed to new crowds and see our Army grow into a bigger and bigger entity.
Skye why did you saw your keyboard in half?
SKYE MÆNSION: Ha-ha I guess you saw that video on YouTube! Well we had this nice Nord keyboard that was used on our previous album extensively, but I prefer playing the keytar as I like rocking on stage and I don’t wanna be stuck behind a fixed keyboard, so we were carrying this big keyboard around on tour just to trigger sounds off it with my keytar. So, one day we were in the tour bus somewhere in US and Mark was rearranging our gear in the rack and he was like “man wouldn’t it be great if this keyboard would just be half as big and fit in the rack!” So, I had this crazy idea and I said well let’s just saw it in half! I had taken it apart before to paint the keys and noticed all the electronics were on one side, so we got an electric saw and the rest is YouTube history! (laughs)
Out of all the bands you have been in the support slot included A Perfect Circle, Stone Temple Pilots, Ghost, Godsmack, Halestorm, The Used, I prevail, Sevendust, Pop Evil, Trivium, Lacuna Coil, Mudvayne, In This Moment, Poison, Mushroom Head, Ministry, Non Point, Head PE, Christian Death, 10 Years, Adelitas Way, Red Sun Rising, Candelbox, The Cult which had been the biggest push to your career. And why?
MM: For me APC. “Mer de Noms” is my favorite album of all time. It’s a perfect blend of heavy and delicate, it’s in your face yet melodic, it’s got that perfect balance of ingredients that really clicks with my musical sensibilities.
You got on Rocklahoma already. Are you ready for Rock on the Range?

MM: Oh, we are ready, we are at war and the stage is where we fight it, so the bigger the better. Bring it on!
How did you get license deals with the following movies and TV shows?
Freak “featured in “Hold Your Breath” (Movie Theaters in USA, TV worldwide, RedBox and Netflix)
“Hedonistic Goat” featured in “12/12/12” (Movie Theaters in USA, TV worldwide, RedBox and Netflix)
“Lizard Eyes” featured in a commercial for SSS (aired on MTV, VH1 and SpikeTV)
MM: that was through my years working as a record producer in Hollywood before we switched to being full time on the road. I really combed the underground and made a lot of connections, of course having quality music was a big part of it as well.
Skye you have been featured in Top 25 Women in Hard rock and Metal for 2015 by Metalholic? Why do you feel they picked you?
SKYE: The fans decided that, so I guess we’d have to ask them! (laughs) My guess is that it’s quite rare to see an unsigned underground band as we were back in 2015 tour worldwide as we did. We were playing 120 shows a year all DIY, super broke, just busting it in small venues, and most bands are just not willing to do that, as it came with huge sacrifices in other area of our lives. So, I think that having a girl with my story, being born in Siberia, growing up in Ukraine and ending up in Hollywood and then touring the world is an inspiring story for a lot people, Plus I did all of that while looking good! (laughs)
Your sound is blends heavy guitars, modern production, electronic and orchestral elements with Mark’s signature melodies and voice. How did you develop your sound?
MM: Our sound is an ever-changing landscape. We are not a dot fixed in time, we mutate and oscillate with the universe. We go where it feels right at that specific time and create a sonic photo of who we are at that moment. The rest is all nerdy tech stuff I don’t wanna get into. (Laughs)
What is the process in your song writing?
MM: I video record ideas while on tour on my phone. We might be in the tour bus somewhere in Canada or in USA or on a day off in UK, Germany or Italy maybe at a fan’s house or whatever and I get some cool idea on the guitar, so I’ll video it. Then by the time we gotta do a new record I’ll go through all those video spores, as I call them, and start developing a structure. I do a lot of demos, for RÆVOLUTION I had over 40 demos that got narrowed down to the 10 tracks in the album and then fully produced.
How was it working with Fred Durst for Chrysalis?

MÆNSION (credit: Jeremy Saffer)
MM: I get asked that all the time. Fred was cool, down to earth and just overall a fucking Rockstar. The guy killed it on the mic, it took him just a couple takes, improvising words and melodies. I smoked him out he showed me his porn mags (he likes big butts apparently) and let me see Limp Bizkit’s rehearsal room. We bonded quickly then he disappeared back into his Rockstar life. You know the guy is a legend, I do feel very lucky I got to hang out and have him on my previous record as well as actually recording him myself at my Hollywood studio.
Skye how did you get into the Alphasphere?
SKYE: oh, now you are getting me so sad! I was ready to finally debut the Alphasphere on our upcoming US ours. I had been working on it for a while and we were testing it at soundchecks on the last European tour, then one day we setup stage for a gig in Germany and realize the Alphasphere is not in the van anymore! The previous show was in this venue with an awkward alley load-in in some small German city and we had a bunch of local people we didn’t know help us loading and out, somebody must have been smart and stole it from us! The worst part is that the company only ever made a few of those and they don’t even exist anymore, so I can’t buy it again! I’m still really upset even after all these months.
Who influences you and why?
MM: Well by now we walk on our legs if you know what I mean. I try not to be influenced too much by other artists these days and just do my thing. But in general, I draw from a lot of different music and decades, with the 90’s and early 00’s probably being where a lot of my favorite bands came from.
What type of clubs/places do you like to play in (size)?
MM: Festivals are out favorites; the atmosphere is just so full of excitement! But we don’t discriminate, we’ll play small places if we must. We have a message and the passion to back it up. Our goal is to turn everyone in the audience into a MÆNIAC!
Any plans to tour the United States?
MM: Yeah, the US is our main market and home country. We are hitting the road in USA for about 4 months taking RÆVOLUTION World Tour all over the map. We’ll also do almost a coast to coast in Canada, then we’ll head overseas.
What music fests would you like to play in?
MM: This year we have a few scheduled like Rocklahoma in US and some smaller ones in Europe like Volkenfest (BE). We have been braking through the underground tour after tour, so more and more doors are slowly opening for us. I’d personally like to get on the Download Festival in UK next year. We’ll see.
Any endorsements?
MM: We have had a share throughout the years. We still endorse Ultimate Ears; their IEMs were a game changer for me as a touring singer with 100+ shows a year. Recently we got endorsed by “Centent” they make some beautiful cymbals and we just got some for the US tour.
How would you explain your live performance?
MM: We call them RIØTS. For us it’s all about the energy exchange. People are pissed man, the world is messed up, the rich are getting way richer everywhere and the middle class is struggling. People spend their money to come to a show and they wanna release the energy and frustration of their week and we are there to deliver an experience of music, lights and words of inspiration. It’s sort of a healing process if you are able to let go and sync to the waves we are creating.
What year, made and model gear do you have?

MM: Oh boy I’ve been a gear head for years and have a crazy collection of studio and touring gear, but these days talking about it just bores me. To me it dilutes the message and I just picture all the nerds thinking about guitar string gauge and shit like that, and to me that’s not what this is about. For me it’s about connecting and delivering a message, it’s communication through art.
If someone was listening to you for the first time, what 3 videos or songs would you tell them to look/listen to and why?
MM:We have 2 new videos coming out. The first single off the new album RÆVOLUTION called SAY IT! is premiering on March 19, so definitely subscribe to our YouTube channel ( and go watch that. The second one will follow a few weeks later. In the meantime you can check some old school The Maension video like Chrysalis (feat. Fred Durst) or our live video of Freak.
Favorite Quotes?
RIZ: “One time we saw some hookers but when we got closer we realized it was Motley Crue.” James Hetfield of Metallica – 1989
Favorite Reading?

MM: Wikipedia benders! I could seriously spend hours learning stuff on Wikipedia, it’s always a trip, you start on a topic and who knows where you end up! I actually donated to them a few times as I like supporting them.
Any Hobbies?
MM: Ha-ha if we only had time for a hobby! We are doing just music full time and believe me these days that includes a shit ton of extra activities. we run a complicated worldwide enterprise, people sometimes don’t realize that.
Favorite Drink?
MM: Belgian beer in Belgium (because we can also be fancy) or a proper red wine in southern Italy. One of the benefits of our life style is that we get to experience the world (and its drinks!) in a way we would not ever be capable of with a regular job.
Favorite thing you like to cook/eat?
MM: Skye and I are adventurous eaters, we will try anything unusual out of curiosity, so when we tour it’s all about whatever the locals eat or drink, we like expanding our taste.
Who is your favorite singer and why?
MM: Well I could give you a few if not one specific. I gotta say I’m still really upset about Chris Cornell early passing. He was one of my top inspiration and I actually have a song on the new album about suicide called ELATION, that was partially inspired by those events.
How is your favorite guitar player?
MM: Again, I really try not to over-nerd about the instrument. I do really love my own playing (laughs) it really works for me! (laughs). Not but seriously I don’t like looking up to specific musicians too much because I feel that leads to emulating and I’m more of a leader then a follower.
How do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
MM: Touring in bigger places, having a bigger Army Of The People following us and hopefully also having more personal time, as the last several years have been all about the band.
If you could jam with anyone who would it be?
RIZ: Slash (shows his Slash tattoos)
Any guilty pleasures your fans would be surprise you listen to?
MM: I love the Prodigy and Pendulum, to me these bands are like metal just with synths and electronic drums instead of guitars and drums. The excitement in their music is great and it always gets me in a party mood.
What is on your bucket list?

MÆNSION on tour
MM: Touring Australia as last year we had to change our plans to finish the record. I wanna get into a van and do the entire coast playing every city we can.
What is on your phone for music now?
MM: Nothing! The sucker just died on me and I had to buy new one. I’m really resenting Apple these days; their phones are so expensive yet about a year and a few months after I buy them they “mysteriously” stop working. I just don’t trust these companies anymore, they are invasive and tricky in their business practices and it’s just another way to keep people broke and on the hook feeding the rich fat cats in Silicon Valley. You know where the music business money went to? It’s not like the revenue just disappeared, it just moved over from labels, musicians, venues, instrument brands to damn Facebook, Apple, YouTube and co. they made an empire off of the exploitation of free content and care nothing about the creators. These companies need to be regulated or otherwise contained or it will lead to an even more dysfunctional future then we are living now.
Anything in closing you would like to say?
MM: Join our Army Of the People by signing up at and come to one of our RIØTS close to your city! ..and when you do, come talk to us after the show we love interacting with our people! Stay strong.
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