Jaclyn Bradley Palmer: How does a American get onto Holland’s “The Voice”
Interview conducted on December 27, 2017
By Daniel Locke
A native of Ohio, USA, Jaclyn Bradley Palmerv entered the stage with her American smile, and shared a spirited song of love. Rocking Natasha Bedingfield’s “These Words,” Jaclyn sang with guts and gusto, ending with a high note supported by her opera training. At the last moment, with the audience and her family in suspense, coach Sanne Hans turned around and claimed Jaclyn for her team.
Palmer explains that performing a blind audition was an exciting, mind-blowing and completely unique growing experience. A funny story she shares is that although most contestants sing in English, all business and instructions were naturally conducted in their mother tongue. Jaclyn, who is still learning the language, shares that producers would give 30 minutes of instructions in Dutch, then quickly recap everything in English for her- and this took only 40 seconds! “I thought ‘surely I must be missing something!'” Jaclyn explained, “but when I stepped out on that beautiful stage and the lights and music hit me, all I had to do was sing my heart out… and that was something no language barrier could change.” Luckily for her, it was enough to pique the interest of a coach and she is now officially a part of the 8th season of “The voice of Holland.”
Palmer, the sole US expat on this season, is thrilled to be a contestant on the Dutch program, claiming that no matter where she resides, music has always been her first language. Singing since childhood, she attended Indiana University’s School of Music, obtaining a degree in operatic vocal performance. Afterward, Jaclyn lived in both New York City and Los Angeles as a singer-songwriter where she and her compositions were featured on MTV, VH1, HGTV, Bravo and TLC. Palmer has recorded 3 full length studio albums—two in the States and one in Holland.
When not performing, Palmer can be found bedside at a hospital, using music to help others at a crucial time. A master degree music therapist, she receiving her training from Cleveland State and Colorado State University. Her specialty is supporting cancer patents during surgery and in 2012 she led the largest study in history to bring live music into the operating arena. In 2015, she moved to Utrecht, Netherlands with her husband, Oliver, an engineer and daughter, Roma, age 3. In 2016, she was honored by her hometown who named her one of Cleveland’s most interesting people. Excited to be on The voice of Holland this season, she loves representing the American people abroad, “At a time when our world leaders struggle to work together, I think it is still possible to respect and collaborate with different countries through music.”

Jaclyn Bradley Palmer
Unratedmagazine: Tell me about your background. How did you get interested in Music?
Jaclyn Bradley Palmer: I don’t remember a time that I wasn’t enamored by music. My mom was a lover of cinema/theater- she adores the tunes of old Italian-American crooners (Dean Martin, Louis Prima, and Sinatra). My dad, on the other hand, was passionate about classic rock- He loved everything from The Beatles to Van Halen and had an album collection to rival anyone else in town. Between the two, I grew up in an artful house, full of music.
Did you play any other instruments while growing up?
When I was 6, I started piano lessons. When I was 12, my father bought me my first guitar for Christmas. Truth be told, I had dreams of receiving lessons from the long-haired rock guys that filled our town’s local guitar center (it was the ‘90s). Instead, my dad (with great protection and foresight) found the only middle-aged, clean cut man at the business to teach me guitar. After my initial dismay, I found that this teacher happened to be the best player anyhow, and he became a great mentor.

Jaclyn Bradley Palmer
Why did you do The Voice in Holland?
For so long, I had been encouraged to audition for a singing reality show. This year I found myself living in Holland and discovered that the show Americans known simply as “The Voice” actually started here. I had a great experience and I even got to speak English while my words were subtitled in a foreign language- how cool is that!?!
In your own words how would you describe the process of being on The voice?
It was stressful, exhausting and very hard work- yet exciting, grandiose and thrilling at the same time. An experience I’ll never forget. I made great friends and memories to last a lifetime.
Even though you did not win, it seems that the singers have a better chance to be a success then the winner? And now you are about to release a new EP.
I made it past 4000 applicants which is an honor to me- there truly is so much talent in the world! Whether you win or not, it’s great exposure. My new EP, “Be it Wild or Poetic” is available for presale now via iTunes/Amazon and officially releases everywhere January 16th.
What can you tell me about your new record what is it going to be like?
BE IT WILD OR POETIC is a sincere, personal, mostly acoustic album. The mood can best be described in my latest music video for “Love the Bodies Were In.” I love to merge music and film and this is my favorite music video to date… I feel it says so much. Watch it here:
How did you find the production team to help you with the EP?
Through other musicians. By making friends with fellow music-makers, regardless of the country you are in, I find the doors always open. Gijs, from the popular Dutch band Swinder—who played guitar on my last full LP— produced my new EP at his studio, Audiogijs. It’s always important to find your tribe and connect with other artists. The rest just falls into place. My new and past albums can be listened at JaclynBradleyPalmer.com.
So you are a board certified music therapist who specializes in surgical music therapy research. Tell us about that. What it is and how has it help you in your career?
I have a masters degree in music therapy and specialize in hospital work. Using music to help others has been the most beautiful part of my life. It makes you realize what is truly important.
You have been published?
Yes, in several top medical journals, including the esteemed Journal of Clinical Oncology. I worked with a brilliant team of surgeons, nurse anesthetists and fellow music therapists at University Hospitals and attended 207 surgeries over 2 years. My team was the first to bring live music into the surgical arena at such a large level.
And you directed and produced a documentary on the USS Indianapolis. How did you have time to do all of this?
This was such an important project. My great uncle was lost at sea while sailing on The USS Indianapolis during WW2- right after delivering the atomic bomb components that ended the war. This was a journey about bringing home his memory and giving my family closure It was a remarkable journey. You can watch it here: As for time, I work best when I’m busy!
Since when you are close to Cleveland have you been to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
YES! In fact, when I worked at University Hospitals, I participated in a sister program: Toddler Rock. It is a special program created by Ed Gallagher and my boss and mentor, Dr. Deforia Lane. It’s a program where preschoolers learn pre-literacy skills through music. Weekly, led a group of enthusiastic young rockers in The Rolling Stones exhibit of The Rock Hall – quite a special gig!
You were on “Breaking Bonaduce.” So can you tell me any stories about Danny?
Sure. That job was unreal. I got to attend award shows and meet legends. I remember on my last interview for that job, Danny sat with me in his living room, while his two beautiful kids —-and dogs (a German Shepard and Hairless Chinese Crested) sat on top of me while he asked me questions. He hired me on the spot, believing I was able to handle pressure. Little did I know what was to come- if you’ve see Vh1’s “Breaking Bonaduce,” you’ll understand what I’m talking about!
What about Gretchen Bonaduce?
She became one of my best friends- and still is. I sang in her band and we’ve shared many adventures- to say the least! She has a new book due out this summer- I might be a part of a story or two… so if you want more juice, definitely check there!
Why did you write a song about Gun Violence? Can you tell me about your vision of the song?
Living abroad, the regular mass shootings without change affected me greatly- because I know our country is better than what is happening. The song and video for A LOADED GUN is a plea for healthy conversation toward betterment. It was a major film event with a cast and crew of 50 and won many awards. Most recently it was featured at the Orlando Film Festival.
Where does you music come from? The scars of my history, mixed with the dreams of my future.
You are a great speaker to uplift the crowd. Any plans for a television show? Maybe using your music therapy?
I have often thought of this and yes, it’s a possibility I’m open to.
What is you’re feeling about Vinyl?
I love it! Doesn’t music sound best on vinyl? Something very lovely about it..
Are you BMI or ASCAP?
What is on you cell phone right now?
Educational alphabet games… I’m a mommy! Also tons of voice memos- when I get a musical idea, I quickly record it on my phone’s voice recorder!
Any guilty pleasures your fans would be surprised you listen to?
I’m really into G-Eazy and Halsey right now. I think new pop music is finally going somewhere soulful and real again.
Anything you like to close with?
I recently recorded a single called AMERICAN HEART written as a response to my experience as a foreigner on The voice of Holland. Sometimes you have to leave home to remember how much you love it. Look for my EP Jan 16 and that new patriotic single/video this summer! Lots of music and art to come.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to interview with your magazine, Dan- I appreciate all you do and also much thanks to Anne Leighton for the connection!
Thank you for you interview.
Website | Facebook | YouTube | Jaclyn Bradley Palmer @UnRatedMagazine | Amazon Music
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