UnRated Coren: Who are your influences?
Jeremy: Almost too many to name! I’d start off with Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa and definitely Vinnie Paul from Pantera. Another big influence for me is Morgan Rose. His fluidity and showmanship is fucking fantastic!
UnRated Coren: How did you get w/ DDrums?
Jeremy: It was really simple, I sent an email to their contact rep with all of my information. It feels incredible!!! Truth be told, I didn’t expect a response back so I was floored with excitement when I found out.
UnRated Coren: What’s that relationship consist of?
Jeremy: I am regionally endorsed through them. Which means they are a Florida company and I am a Florida musician. So, DDrums give me a significant discount on products.
UnRated Coren: Outside of your own group, side projects?
Jeremy: I am trying to start an all metal cover band of John Cougar Mellencamp. It will be called John Cougar Metalcamp. However, the initial market response has been negative hahaha.
UnRated Coren: Are you into any stuff that would surprise your fans?
Jeremy: I’m a huge pop/party Country music fan. I love Florida Georgia Line, Kid Rock, Jason Aldean, all that kind of stuff.
UnRated Coren: Among your contemporaries, who do you feel is really knocking it out of the park these days?
Jeremy: Mario Duplantier without a doubt. Gojira’s new album Magma is absolutely flawless. (I totally agree!!!!)
UnRated Coren: Any advice for young drummers?
Jeremy: My initial response? Pick up guitar, its cheaper and easier to practice. However, if you are dead set on learning drums, practice at least five minutes a day. That makes you five minutes better then you were yesterday.
Great suggestions, Jeremy!!!!! Thank you so much for your time and I can not wait to make it down to Orlando…. I will be doing live interviews with the Meka Nism to find out what is happening in the future at the end of September. Stay tuned!
Plus, I have to give another #Congrats to Meka Nism for being voted #1 Best Metal Band in Orlando!!!!
– Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com