Ignea: A little band from Kiev
Interview conducted on March 05, 2018
By Dan Locke
IGNEA was started in Kiev, Ukraine back in 2011 under name Parallax. Intentionally, it was the first Ukrainian band to play oriental metal. The band, however, didn’t limit itself to strict boundaries of oriental metal, and included elements from symphonic, industrial, modern, progressive and other modern subgenres of metal. In 2013, the band entered Morton Studio, well-known rock and metal studio in Ukraine, to record its debut EP, titled Sputnik.
Band Members
- Helle Bogdanova — clean & extreme vocals, lyrics;
- Evgeny Zhytnyuk — keyboards, extreme vocals;
- Xander Kamyshin — bass;
- Dmitriy Vinnichenko — guitars;
- Ivan Kholmogorov — drums.
Dan Locke: Tell me about your background? How did you get you start IGNEA?
Helle Bogdanova: The band was started by Evgeny, the keyboardist, and composer of IGNEA. After several lineup changes and search of the sound, the band was complete and started its active history in 2013, with the release of our first EP ‘Sputnik’.
Your band started out being named Parallax and changed it over the years. Why is this?
The reason is simple, there were over 60 bands called Parallax, and it was a pitfall in terms of the band’s promotion. Moreover, it was perfect timing to change the band’s title because we came up with slightly different music, and we were not that known yet. The rebranding went very smoothly.
Any education in music?
I completed the guitar class in a music school but never started vocals. Our guitarist Dmitri is actually a piano and organ player with a Master’s Degree in Music Study. The rest of the guys do not have any music education at all.
You are a Ukrainian Metal Symphonic band. Are there other Ukrainian Metal Symphonic band out there?
We’re actually not a symphonic metal band. There are lots of genres mixed up in our music, so we now prefer to call ourselves a melodic metal band with symphonic and oriental vibes.
Ain’t you a bit more metal than that?
In addition to the previous answer, we’re not afraid to experiment. In our songs, you can hear Middle Eastern melodies, electronic beats, orchestral parts, etc. The only steady thing is the melodic part of it all.
You recorded Alga with a full symphonic orchestic. Who wrote the charts for the orchestra?
Evgeny is the one to write all the music, including orchestral parts, even though he has no music education at all.

Why Orphaned Land is called the father of oriental metal in Kevi Ukraine?
Well, that’s not only in Kiev, Ukraine. Here, people mostly do not know what oriental metal is. But Orphaned Land was surely one of the genre’s founders, you can google it.
Why did you take so long to release your first full-length album, “The Sign of Faith?”
It didn’t take long, we’d say. We’ve released some new music almost every year since the active history of the band started: 2013 — EP ‘Sputnik’, 2014 — single ‘Petrichor’, 2015 — single ‘Alga’, early 2017 — LP ‘The Sign of Faith’. Some bands take 3-5 years to come up with an album, you know. Moreover, each album needs proper production, time for promotion, and money.
Who did the artwork for the cd?
We actually have bought a finished artwork from an artist on the web. We simply saw it and it fit the whole album somehow.
Tell me the background of Seytana Akbar? Which an anti-terrorist video with it. How did you come up with such a video for the music?
This is probably the most serious song on the album that is appealing to the world with the message of peace. We believe that there’s no excuse for killing other people and that terrorism should have no place in this world. As for the video, it has been created by a talented artist Masha Goruleva, from Odessa, Ukraine. We simply provided her with a finished song and asked to make it not so ordinary, meaning, no guns and blood, cause it’s too cliché. So, she has created a gorgeous animation that is referring to Salvador Dali, which we liked. You know, terrorism is a total surrealism.
You played the Black Sea Metal Festival. Tell me about you time during the fest?
Well, Black Sea Metal Festival is not the biggest and most memorable festival we’ve played at. But, being close to the sea was nice, and we were perceived very well by the audience. Couldn’t get out of the venue for nearly half an hour because of making photos and giving autographs for the fans. That was really stunning. But then we needed to get on the road again off to another festival.
This past December(2017), you were nominated for The Best Ukrainian Metal Act award. How did you do? I am sure it was an honor to be nominated?
Yes, of course, it’s an honor. The BUMA has become a respected awards in Ukraine over the past time, you know. What’s interesting, our band is mostly recognized abroad, meaning that Ukrainians do not really listen to our music. However, we’ve been nominated by the local music industry representatives, and it was people who voted for us at the awards. And we’ve entered the top 3 best Ukrainian metal bands in 2017, which is really awesome.
Who influences you and why?
We are influenced by the world, everything we see and everyone we contact with. You never know what can influence your next song in terms of music or lyrics.
In January(2018) you did two things. You released your live experience video (which show people who you are in under 5 min.)And got a new PR firm. The Flaming Arts Agency. Are they known to handle metal bands?
The Flaming Arts Agency is not a PR firm, but a booking agency, meaning they handle our touring activity. We were thrilled to make a deal with them because they’ve got a good reputation. Now, only a few months have passed, and we already have a European tour planned for May and a couple of festivals that will be announced soon as well.
Any endorsements?
Nope. In May, we’ll go on a proper tour for the first time, and endorsements usually come for the bands that tour much. We’re only starting our journey and getting out of the studio activity to a touring band.
What type of clubs/places do you like to play in (size)?
Well, we like to play at festivals. When it comes to the venues, the clubs for ~200 people are currently the best for us. It means closer energy exchange with the public.
You are planning to tour Europe this spring. Any plans to tour the United States?
It’s very hard to get to the US for a Ukrainian band. Even those bands that have been actively touring the EU for a couple of years still don’t manage to get there. That’s why we are serious about conquering the closest countries and building the fan base to reach the US one day. However, our sales and stats show that IGNEA has lots of supporters in the US.

What music fests would you like to play in?
Hellfest in France is our top dream. But there are many others that we’d like to play at some day.
Would you like to play Rock on the Range?
Of course, we do.
How would you explain your live performance?
It’s very energetic. But it doesn’t mean that we only have fast brutal songs, along which people dance and mosh. We also have slow and dark tracks that just have other energetic vibes.
If someone was listening to you for the first time, what 3 videos or songs would you tell them to look/listen to and why?
Seytanu Akbar with a live experience video, because it’s one of the most serious and powerful songs we now have. Alexandria, because everyone just likes that song and it’s very memorable. And Alga, for those who love true symphonic metal.
Who is your favorite female singer and why?
I’ve got 2 of them. Alissa White-Glum of Arch Enemy, cause she knows how to handle different shades of extreme vocals (and I miss her clean vocals back in the days she sand with The Agonist). And Amalie Bruun from Myrkur, cause her voice makes her an angel and a devil in one skin. She’s perfectly mixing tender choirs and brutal scream.
How do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
I hope and will do everything possible to become a full-time musician with IGNEA. As I am also a marketing specialist, I’d probably also work together with a music PR firm to bring IGNEA to the masses. And maybe, in 5 years, we’ll be ready to tour the US.
Any guilty pleasures your fans would be surprised you listen to?
Lady Gaga, Lana del Rey, witch house mixes, and lots of other stuff. I believe, metal music is only 30% of what I’m listening to. Always open for new genres.
What is on your bucket list?
Travel all around the globe, possibly along the tour with IGNEA, try out various extreme stuff such as bungee jumping, surfing, paragliding, etc., and be true to myself.
What is on your phone for music now?
Blade Runner OST, Chelsea Wolfe, Radiohead, In Flames, Gojira, Myrkur, Benjamin Clementine, Arch Enemy, Crowbar, God is an Astronaut, Satyricon, Behemoth.
Anything in closing you would like to say?
Please do discover new music and support the artists you like
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