Interview conducted on February 02, 2023
By Dan Locke
HALIE is a 22 year old singer songwriter hailing from Thayer, MO. HALIE moved to Nashville at 18 years old and has been there ever since. Writing music, playing shows, and modeling is what you would expect from this young artist. Although HALIE hasn’t been in Nashville very long, she has already had a cut from a major recording country artist, Martina Mcbride. After traveling to LA, and winning NBC’s ‘Songland’ HALIE has found herself with a bit of a following. She also competed on the TV show American Song Contest representing the state of Missouri. She also has an older brother in Nashville who is a songwriter, Michael Tyler. Michael has written many songs that have gone number one on country radio. Michael is also a co-writer on her debut single “Love Too Much”.
You are from Thayer MO, what is your upbringing?

I was raised in a very musical family. My older brothers had a band when I was little, so I was always around it. Thayer is also a small town, so with there not being a lot to do, I of course turned to music as well.
How do people react after learning you are related to Jimmie Rodgers?
People react in all different kinds of ways when they see that i’m related to Jimmie Rodgers. Some people think its the coolest thing ever, and they have even said country music needed someone like me again.. And some people don’t even know who he is, so sometimes there isn’t a reaction at all. Its mostly more mature audiences that listen to him still that freak out.
How did you discover music?
My youngest memory of music was when I was in the back seat of my mom’s car, riding in my car seat, singing along to the song “Down To The River To Pray.”
Describe your music.
My music sounds like all different kinds of things. Its hard to label myself as a certain sound. Especially cause i’m a songwriter, and I write all different kinds of songs all the time. But the most recent song i’m putting out sounds very country. The first song I ever put out sounded like pop-country. So you could use the term modern country for my sound as a whole I would say.
Do you remember how you got your first guitar?
I got my first guitar when I was in the 8th grade. The talent show was coming up and I really needed a guitar. So my parents when to the music store 20 mins from my house and bought me a GS mini Taylor Guitar. I still have this guitar, but its back home in Missouri for now.
What is your present guitar? The make and model and does it have a name?
The present guitar I play is an acoustic electric Taylor Guitar.
What was your first performance like?
The first time I ever sang to anyone was when I was 12 years old in a talent show. I didn’t play an instrument or have a track playing. I just stood in the middle of the gymnasium, and sang “Hurt” by Christina Aguilera to the audience acapella.
What was the title of your first original song? Did you record it?
The title of the first song I ever wrote is called “Stupid Girl.” And no I never recorded it because I was 12 years old and it was definitely not a good song. haha
You wrote “Love Too Much”, with your brother Michael. Are you planning to work together again?
As of right now, I have no plans to write or work with my brother. We both have very different lives and schedules now. We are still close of course, but usually we are only able to see each other when we can get time, let alone write. But i’m always open to it if he is!
Would you like to become the next big thing like Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas?
I think it would be amazing to be in such a position as Billie and her brother. I used to really look up to Billie, and i’ve even been to her concert when she came to Nashville… So if I had a song blow up with my brother, I for sure would love to live in a Billie-Finneas moment!
What is the process of writing your music?
The process of writing my music is always different. Sometimes I start off with a melody, and other times its an idea for the hook. Then if i’m writing with other writers it could even be one if their ideas and we work off that.
How is it to be both the winner of NBC’s Songland and an American Song Contest Alum?
Being on both of those TV shows was a dream come true! Especially Songland! Because every time I hear Martina Mcbride sing the song I wrote, I get teary eyed. She recently played the song for an arena of people, and I got to see a video of it. I had chills and was smiling ear to ear!
Tell me about your song “Heart of a Man“?
Heart Of A Man is a very vulnerable song that I wrote after getting broken up with. I cried in the studio the day I wrote it because I was freshly in that heart break at the time. I wanted the concept to be not bashing my ex, but me basically just saying “I wish I knew what was in your heart at the end of it all, then maybe I could understand why you did it.”
Why release it on valentine’s day?
I wanted this song out on Valentine’s Day because I knew it was gonna be a hard day for me. I was with the person I wrote this song about last year on Valentine’s Day.. So if I released this song that day, it would give me something positive to look forward to rather than just being reminded about the heart break. Plus the song has “heart” in the title, so what’s a better day for that release?
What are you feeling about streaming music?
I’m not exactly sure how I feel about music being streamed nowadays. I understand there’s 10x more artists than there used to be, (and its way easier to get in a “studio” than ever before, because people can produce at home now.) so there needs to be an easier system to finding people, but I also feel like we aren’t being paid enough by Spotify, Apple, etc. So it’s a touchy subject for sure.
The symbol # is known as the number sign, hash, pound sign and a sharp sign in music. The symbol has historically been used for a wide range of purposes Since 2007, widespread usage of the symbol to introduce metadata tags on social media platforms has led to such tags being known as “hashtags”, and from that, the symbol itself is sometimes called a hashtag. Are people forgetting that the # is a part of music?
I know for a fact that people are forgetting that it’s part of music, because social media has our brains trained that way. But the only reason I haven’t (or most people who are/were in choir) is because of reading sheet music!
Digital vs. vinyl?
I’m always gonna say a vinyl record is gonna be more special than a digital one. Just because you can hold it, and it goes back to the roots of music and how it all started. But I don’t even have a record player, so it really is kinda silly i’m on team vinyl! (maybe its because I want a record player & hopefully I get one, one day.)
What song from the past is in your mind right now? Moreover, what is the meaning that song means to you?
This might be super random, but If you know me, you already know the answer to this! And I gotta answer with “Right Now” by Akon. Every time I think of this song I just think of being 8 years old, listening to it in the car with my mom. It just has some special kind of production that isn’t done anymore. I wish more pop artists made their music like that again!
Is pay to play still a thing? Now pay to play also means things like a playlist on the internet and opening slots for a major band on tour.
I wouldn’t say that pay to play is still a thing, Not In Nashville anyways. I have never been paid to play a gig anywhere in town. But I also haven’t played a full band show here either, so that’s probably why!
The show Star Trek introduced people to the holodeck: an immersive, realistic 3D holographic projection of a complete environment that you could interact with. Today holograms are already being used in a variety of way, such as medical systems, education, art, security and defense. Performers like Tupac, Michael Jackson, Roy Orbison, Frank Zappa, Elvis Presley, Amy Winehouse, Buddy Holly, Ronnie James Dio, Marylin Monroe, and Whitney Houston have done it already. The band ABBA just announced that they will be doing a comeback together after nearly 40 years as holograms on their next tour. With ABBA it was with the help of George Lucas. If the cost was down to the point, you could do it also, would you be willing to do Holographic concerts in our living room?
Yes! I am always open to futuristic things and have always wanted to see holographic images come to life. And if I was the hologram then of course I would LOVE to do that! (im a huge fan of the movie AVATAR, so that might be why as well.)
In the past if a musician stopped doing music, they found a new career. For example, David Lee Roth from Van Halen became a licensed EMT in NY for 6 years, San Spitz (guitarist for Anthrax) became a master watchmaker, Dee Snider (Twister Sister) voice over work for SpongeBob SquarePants… If you can’t do music, what would you like to be doing?
If I wasn’t doing music I would probably look into beauty school. Because I love doing hair! I have been doing my own hair for 2+ years. Cuts & colors! I might even look into being a pilot, because my mom is one, and she could definitely teach me.
What is your happy place?
My happy place is any place where i’m surrounded by good friends and family.
My happy place also is me singing and performing to people!
You claim to be the biggest Avatar fan in Nashville. How many times did you see the second one? And are you ready to write the screen play for next movie?
Hilarious that this question is asked, because previously, I already mentioned i’m a huge avatar fan! I’ve already seen the second movie 3 times. And, I am already imagining up the screenplay for the next movie as well. I even have followed basically all the new characters from the movie on instagram. Obsessed, I am.
Red Hot Chili Peppers are about to sell their entire song catalog for $140 Million. In the past year a lot of musicians such as Stevie Nicks ($100 Million), Bob Dylan (over $400 Million), Taylor Swift, Journey, Def Leppard, K.T. Tunstall, John Legend, ZZ Top and Shakira have sold their catalog rights within the last year. Bob Dylan sold his entire catalog for a reported $300 million. Neil Young sold 50 percent of his worldwide copyright and income interest in his 1,180-song catalogue to Hipnosis Songs Fund limited. Once you get to the age of about 70. Publishing is far more lucrative than the mechanical royalties paid to artists based on sales, airplay and streams. A good example of this is Michael Jackson brought the rights to the Beatles catalog in 1985. And in the late 80’s the Beatles Revolution appeared in a Nike commercial. The lump sums being offered by publishing firms are more tax friendly concerning estate planning. On January 19, 2021, Hipgnosis Song Management acquired 80% of Kenny Chesney’s recorded music royalties, covering the country superstar’s discography from his 1994 debut In My Wildest Dreams through 2017’s Live in No Shoes Nation.
Someone who was totally against selling his rights was David Crosby. He did not want to sell his publishing rights. In addition, it was not an easy thing for him to do. However, by making a deal with Irving Azoff’s Iconic Artists Group, it took a big weight off his shoulders. He could pay off his house and cover other bills. Now he does not have to work for a living. It should be noted that David is battling tendinitis in his hands, which hurts his ability to play guitar. Do you think you would be willing to sell your back catalog if someone like Universal is willing to buy everything, such as all the rights to all your songs? Remember anything that you create forward will be 100% yours.
Yes I would be willing to do this, because my brother has done this, and I see nothing wrong with the process. There is always new materials to be written for the future, so I see nothing wrong with getting the money from everything you’ve done, worked hard for, and moved forward!
Over half a billion active users around the world share their favorite music on TikTok either with something like a dance challenge and lip-sync videos or creating a funny skit or candid camera moment. TikTok has become a great platform for music promotion, sharing songs, and finding new listeners. In which it has become a place for music artists to earn revenue when people use their music. In many cases the daily promotion on TikTok has led to huge boosts on other platforms like Spotify, Facebook and YouTube. TikTok does this with the algorithm that generates a feed of content for each user, which you see as the displaying of #. The more a user engages with content, the smarter TikTok gets at guessing what kind of videos the viewer wants to watch. Because a song can go viral because of this. Sony Music and Warner Music Group-, The ByteDance-owned video app revealed that it has struck an “expanded” global licensing agreement with Universal Music Group. Now that TikTok is now fully licensed by all three major record companies, will you start using TikTok more?
Yes of course! But I already use Tiktok like crazy, just because of how entertaining and addicting the app itself is! But with all 3 major record companies licensing there I see that as a major plus! Tiktok (I think) is the most amazing blessing an artist could have nowadays! HALIE (@halieofficial) • Instagram photos and videosYes of course! But I already use Tiktok like crazy, just because of how entertaining and addicting the app itself is! But with all 3 major record companies licensing there I see that as a major plus! Tiktok (I think) is the most amazing blessing an artist could have nowadays!
Breaking news: TikTok is launching TikTok Radio, a full-time SiriusXM music channel going live this summer. The station will be available in vehicles and as a streaming channel on the SiriusXM App, desktop, and all connected devices. Some of the on TikTok include Cassyette, YukoEXE, Ashinikko, Palaye Royale, Josh Dun (Twenty-One Pilots), Yungblud, Morrissey, Ozzy Osbourne, Joan Jett, Gene Simmons, and Mick Jagger. The station will be part of a new TikTok collaboration with SiriusXM and its subsidiary, Pandora, to jointly promote emerging talent. Do you think this platform could become a force in the future of streaming music?
I absolutely do think it could! Because if you really look at pop charts (some country as well) they always seem to be playing what’s viral on Tiktok. So of course this is going to catapult a lot of artists drive for going viral on the app. Which will push out more music on there.. And if it does, it’s going to help a lot of us musicians out as well!
Anything you would like to say in closing.
I would just like to say thank you so much for taking the time to interview me. I appreciate it so much! All of the viewers can find me on all social media platforms by @halieofficial, and on tiktok its @halieoffical1.
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