Fuzz: An artist who wants to be human
Interview took place on January 21, 2018
Daniel Locke
Fuzz 22 years old born and raised in Melbourne Australia from the Northern Suburbs, Fuzz is one of the hottest up and coming artists in the pop and acting community. Born Fawaz Ibrahim and raised in Melbourne, Australia. Fuzz grew up listening to pop heavyweights like Madonna, Cher. Michael Jackson, and Britney Spears. Although these influences would help shape his music and style. Fuzz knew his brand of artistry was unique enough to stand on its own.
One of the biggest criticisms of pop music is that it lacks depth and meaning. Fuzz is looking to put on end to that stereotype. Fuzz aims to write songs that others can relate to. But not just on a party-all-the-the-and-dance-till-you-drop level. He set out to write songs that were not only infectious and catchy. But also had something more to say. He describes each of his songs connecting subtly with each other. Likening them to a series of novels. The lyrics and metaphorical content contained in each song holds layers of different meanings. Each track is danceable and fun. While also confronting heavy topics like dealing with relationship issues, family discord, and broken friendships.
2016 finds fuzz intent on taking over his country and making music and acting his full time career. He will soon be releasing the EP. Rebirth he describes the release as a total expression of his emotions. For the record he teamed up with Nathan Cameron and Morgan Jeans who are working for Chris Brown and Justin Bieber as songwriters and Co producers. Along with the release of the record, Fuzz will continue to create and diversity his social media content which will allow fans access to exclusive content as well as open a window into his daily life. Fuzz will also be hitting the road to Hollywood getting a star role in the new block buster “Eleven Days in Hell” and the hot Sci Fi TV series “Hunters” expect big things from Fuzz this year, not that you’ll have a choice; starting very soon Fuzz will be blaring out of Stereo speakers and TV’s everywhere.
Time After Time is released on 9th March
How did you start you musical career?
Fawaz Ibrahim aka Fuzz: I started my music career in 2008 during my early years in high school, I was inspired by a lot of movie musicals and iconic pop artists during the time. So I started to take singing classes once a month. I also started to teach myself how to sing and also learn how to play piano and guitar by myself, it was a big challenge but once you understand the basics of music everything else is easy. I always wanted to be a singer, actor but then I also applied songwriting in my early teens I thought it was an interesting way to get messages across to the mass and make people understand what you go through in certain stages of your life and the trails we face, it is like a great platform to reach the whole world because music is a global language as they say.
How did you pick the name Fuzz?
My stage name comes from my original name Fawaz, my family members would call me Fuzz sometimes because they thought the fuzzy hair and the crazy personality. Also it was easier to remember and was quite catchy so since 2009 I stuck with the name and have been Fuzz since then.
You are living in Melbourne, Australia? What was the music scene like in Melbourne, Australia?
It is very hard in Melbourne Australia because the market is not that strong and the Australian average consumer mainly focus on international brands or artists who already have had an established career or have been charting for 2 years. I think Australia is great once you have had international recognition then I feel people will trust the brand or the artist more.
Tell me about the development of your musical style? You called it bridging the gaps between the appeal of Pop and the punch of House.
I use the term Bridging the gaps between the appeal of pop and house because this style never dies and it is the most effective strategy to get people to listen to you whether you want to sing about heartbreak or love it always seems to have that connection to people.
You are back in the stage with AJ from Backstreet Boys and working with legendary producer Andrew Lane who has worked with Toni Braxton, Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj how did you get them too worked with you?

Fuzz in a suit from Facebook
Andrew Lane I was introduced by a friend of mine who loved my song and thought could be taken to the next level, me and Andrew Lane met and took off from their and was super excited to be producing “Time After Time’ and my future tracks I am currently cooking up a number one hit of some sort and would love to feature Nicki Minaj or Cardi B they both range in the same style and a great female rappers who can help bring more diversity to my new song. Aj from the backstreet boys is a great artist and person in general we met at the Grammy Award After party city gala in Los Angeles, my sponsor was playing poker on the same table as them and she had introduced me to him and told him about my project “Time After Time’ he said that sounds dope and would love to write songs with me so I took up the offer and now we will take on a song this year or in the next year.
What is your music gender?
My music reaches all genders and all ages I try to keep my interpretations open as much as possible so everybody can relate, Straight People, LGBT communities’ males females, all from children to adults.
You have been doing some acting. You were in Eleven Days in Hell, Extinct (2016) and De-Extinct (2017). How was that?
Extinct is a great short film in Australia that takes place in the Geelong Yu – Yang national park, this film is about an apocalypse end of the world trying to find a cure to save the universe from the infected air that myself and my sister only carry the cure in our blood. It was a great experience and would be taking on more Sci – Fi and action adventure films in the near future. Eleven days in hell is still in pre production it is mentioned to be a 13 episode Netflix series as the filming locations restricted the production to commence filming in 2016 – 2017. Casting had to also be re – done but it happens a lot in the entertainment industry.
What was The “Power to the Tradie” campaign for Paslode Australia & New Zealand pays homage to the everyday “smoko” ritual about?
Smoko is an Australian term some of us use when we want to go on a break the Paslode commercial was a “Power Tool” company, which I was cast to act as one of the tradie’s in. This was also a great experience to take part in you don’t get many of those acting jobs around haha.
What awards have you gotten so far?
I haven’t yet to have received any award but my goal is to get a Grammy or an award of some sort for my music and acting it would be a dream come true.
How did it feel to have you UK Top 40 pop hit With the Lights On?
This was the best year for me it helped me build my social following and got me one step closer in the music industry, it was unreal sitting up with those major artists like Justin Timberlake and Jay Z and Far East Movement. It’s not everyday you break out on a Top 30 commercial pop international chart.
Have you made the cover of any magazines yet?
I have had many magazine interviews but haven’t yet been on a cover this would also be a cool achievement in my career.
Have you looked into SXSW yet?
No but I will definitely check it out and see what the buzz is about ;).
What music fest would you like to play?
Coachella, Stereosonic, Tomorrowland, Exit, Splendour in the grass. It would be cool to perform there the audience would be amazing.
I see you are planning to play at The Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett, NY. I would love to see you perform in the states. Any plans to the United States?
I am definitely working on promotional tour for my future EP which will include “Time After Time” and I am to go all over the world with my album and my future songs.
What instruments do you used to write your music?

Fuzz posing from Facebook
I always sing a melody in my head and based off what I can get I run to a piano or re sing the melody till I get it right then produce a basic track under the melody to present to my producer so that he/she can make it what it needs to be.
Tell me something about the music video Change the Path?
Change the path was done for the people it’s about wishing to go back and change what you did in your life. I chose real people who have acting skills to point down the issues they face or faced on paper in that moment I wanted it to be real so everyone had a message that had overcome and mine still remains a mystery which you can see towards the end of the music video.
Do you like vinyl?
Vinyl Records? Yes.. It is a classic way of presenting your music I guess and also it looks cool compared to your standard every day disc’s or even a stream play button. Vinyl does justice and will never go out of style. Whether you use it for display or actually play it on a vinyl record.
Singer or actor and why?
If I was to choose one it would be Actor because I always had more experience in acting and when I was 10 years old I wanted to be a voice over artist. But obviously as you get older you change your mind and set it towards another goal which I did. But acting would probably be a life time till I die sort of career choice. Singing will always be there too.
If someone was listening to you for the first time, what 3 videos or songs would you tell them to look/listen to and why?
I would present “Time After Time” and then “Heart Is Bleeding” and follow it up with my previous single “Change The Path On because they all entwine with each other and if you listen to the lyrics you can piece the songs together. I’ll give you an example “My heart is bleeding time after time…. can we go back in time and.. change the path we walked in? 😉 See what I did there.
Who is your favorite singer and why?
My favorite singer is Michael Jackson. I like his songs very much because they are full of energy and are very melodic. I also like the way he dances nobody could moon walk like him. He is a legend who still lives on in my heart and I wish to be just as good as him one day.
What was your first concert and your last concert?

Fuzz hanging out
My first concert was a school assembly which was great I put on a big show I hired back up dancers and put together a set for the stage which wowed the students in my school haha….and my last concert was in August 2017 this was at Vodka Temple and it was a charity event I did for Endless horizons we raised $10,000 for the event. This was in order to help those who have drug addictions or have bad family history.
How do you see your band in the next 5 years?
Internationally recognized super star.
Any guilty pleasures your fans would be surprise you listen to?
Ariana Grande.
What is on your bucket list?
Win a Grammy Award, Win an Oscar, Win an Emmy, Sky dive! I’ll be more realistic haha ;)…
What is on your phone for music now?
I actually don’t have music on my phone I usually just go on Youtube or Spotify and listen to top 30 haha I love all genres of music and I respect all artists and listen to all artists.
Anything in closing you would like to say?
I want to say thank you for allowing me to express myself as a person and as an artist, I want to keep spreading positive energy and I want to inspire others just like I was inspired. I hope the best for everyone and wish nothing but success and happiness peace and until next time UnRated Magazine!
Thank you for chatting with Unratedmagazine.
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