Unknown Decoy from Finland
Interview conducted on July 1, 2019
by Dan Locke
Unknown Decoy is a boundary breaking hard-rock trio from Jyväskylä. In their music the band creates an experimental mix of old school rock ‘n’ roll and more modern metal. Catchy singing melodies and animalistic rasp-singing take turns dynamically within the songs. The whole package is tied together with beefy guitar riffs in the spirit of Black Sabbath.
Dan Locke: How did you get together?
Unknown Decoy: Aaro Viitanen (Vocals and Bass) and Vilho Polamo (Guitar and Backing Vocals) have been friends since childhood. First, we formed a cover band as a hobby. We met our former second guitarist and our former drummer at school. They both played on our debut EP ‘Seeking the Sun’. Aaro met our present drummer Saku Taittonen when they were both acting at the theatre.
How did you get your name?
The name originates from the interest to something unknown and weird. It fits us because there is something weird and disturbing in our music but at the same time, it is somehow tempting.
What was your first gig like?
Our first gig ever was at our hometown’s small event. Most of the audience were in their sixties. When we started the first song half of the audience vanished… It was a good gig anyway!
You are from Jyväskylä Finland. What is live music like there?
The two most popular live music genres in Jyväskylä seem to be rap and thrash metal. Thrash is a big thing partly because of the quickly emerging Lost Society. We plan to follow on their footsteps but with a bit different music! You can find one of Finland’s best live music venues in Jyväskylä: Tanssisali Lutakko. There are also several nice rock bars in Jyväskylä that offer live music. A big pop festival called Suomipop Festivaali is held in Jyväskylä every year.
How long first you started to play did you start creating videos?
We played just live gigs like two years before going to a studio and making music videos.

How did you get into the Sounds 2018 band competition with no actual winner? Did you know this beforehand?
We applied to the competition and got to the finals! We did not give much thoughts to the prizes beforehand because the most important thing for us was to get to play good gigs. The competition was not about an actual winner but more about sharing recognitions and we got the best recognition we could hope for. Unknown Decoy was the headliner of the Sounds Gala!
Tell me about the Jyväskylä Rock Academy?
Unknown Decoy has been part of Jyväskylä Rock Academy, where professionals from the music industry help and teach young, aspiring bands in their path. Unknown Decoy has had coaching from Mikko Von Hertzen (Von Hertzen Brothers) and Douglas Blair (W.A.S.P.), among others. We were also able to record and release our first two singles with the support of Jyväskylä Rock Academy.
What is the short clip from a recording session for the upcoming EP Seeking the Sun?
We asked our friends Milja Naskali (Accordion) and Katariina Harjunen (Violin) to do improvised solos to the song ‘Flash’. It is the final track of our debut EP ‘Seeking The Sun’.
Do you write your songs in English or Finnish?
We write our songs in English. We could do it in Finnish also but English fits RocknRoll nicely!
Where did you film the video Davaj!?
We filmed the ‘Hevi Reissu – Heavy Trip’ van parts in Tikkakoski, north of Jyväskylä. Lada driving and the band running in a snowstorm we filmed in Muurame, south of Jyväskylä.
It seems to me it looks like a cross between A Hard Days Night and the Monkees?
It is funny to hear that because none of has really listened those much. But old school rock is an important influence for us!
Was that real snow falling in the video?
Oh yeah, it was! And it was COLD out there! We were all sure we were going to die from hypothermy.
You are a 3-piece band. Why was there another player in the video singer?
We used to have two guitarists and another drummer when we recorded the singles and the new EP. Tatu (Guitar) and Patrik (Drums) left the band for their life situations. Nothing personal was going on and we all are still good friends! After Tatu had left we tried playing with only one guitar and found out it works well and more dynamically that way. Also, the songs do not necessarily need the second guitar so we decided to continue as a trio.
Does the video Singer tell a true story?
It is not a true story for us but sadly it is true for many people out there. The song tells about musicians that start acting arrogantly after getting success. We try to avoid that as well as we can.
Since you are from Finland, I am going to ask you about some bands from Finland and I would like you to tell me something about each if you can.
A very good band with lots of emotion in their music. Ville Valo is a great singer and a good-looking man!Nightwish
Epic symphonic metal. A classic. You should listen to them.The Rasmus
We know some songs from these guys but can’t quite get them in our heads. A very successful band back in the day.Huoratron
Have heard the name but not familiar with.Apocalyptica
A cool band that got popular with their cello covers of Metallica songs.Sunrise Avenue
Nice upbeat rock.Children of Bodom
YOW YOW!! Alexi is a guitar legend and Janne drinks beer when playing synth solos. They are still kicking ass today!Sonata Arctica
A successful heavy metal band.Tarja Turunen
Best known as the original singer of Nightwish. Great singer.Ensiferum
Nice folk metal.The 69 Eyes
Good rock. The drummer Jussi 69 is well known as a radio host also.Mariska
Pop singer. We have surely heard her songs on the radio.
Any plans for a tour outside of the Scandinavian countries?
It would be awesome! For example, if we could get to play as the warm-up act for some bigger band, we would definitely do it. Though we can’t promise anything yet.
If you were going to tell me something that someone should know before they visit Finland, what would it be?

You should go to the forest in Finland. The country is full of them and they are beautiful and silent. Especially Lapland is something special. You shouldn’t be worried if some Finns seem silent or need more personal space and time than others. Most Finns are very friendly when you get to know them.
How is Finland different from other Scandinavian countries?
It is the country with the most forests and maybe with the most old-fashioned people living between the forests. We have the famous Finnish SISU that means that a Finn does not give up easily and if a Finn gets ill, he or she just goes to the sauna and to a hole in the ice. PERKELE! Also, Finnish is a hard language to learn.
How do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully, we are playing on big arenas all over the world! If not, then we will continue throwing gigs in Finnish bars and keep writing songs while sitting on toilet… And hoping that after the next five years we would be filling the biggest stations with music and people!
Anything you would like to say in closing?
Listen to our debut EP ‘Seeking The Sun’! Come to our gigs if possible! And finally, buy a Lada. It is the best and the most beautiful car in the world.
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