Francis On My Mind is a name you’d best familiarize yourself with. The Romanian teen is prepared leave the mark on the music scene with her compelling voice and honest lyrics. And she makes great strides with the release of debut single “On My Mind”.
Interview conducted on June 10, 2020
by Dan Locke
For her second release, “Never Be the Same,” 16 year old Romanian electro pop act Francis On My Mind continues her musical journey delving deeper into the realms of melancholic dance music
What is your upbringing?
I have spent all my childhood in a small Romanian town called Onesti and I was raised in a family of five (I have two more sisters). My family has always supported me once I figured out that music is what I would love to do. They helped me turn into the person that I am today, they gave me a strong education with moral and spiritual values. My father has always been close to music, he had a music academy in Bucharest when I was younger. Therefore, although he is not a musician, he rather understood pretty early on that I have a soft spot for it. He encouraged me to pursue music and helped me with everything I needed. It is complicated to live in a small town here; I had to spend two hours on the road to go to the nearest city just to take piano lessons every week. However, he was there for me, always managed to take the time for me and drive me since in Romania you cannot drive before 18. I will always be grateful to my family for giving me the opportunity to live my dream.
How did you discover music?
I remember when I was six or seven; I had the habit of stealing my mother’s phone. I had downloaded countless music apps on it. I was too young to know what songs to look for, so I started listening to random playlists and that is how I first discovered music. I do not come from an artistic background, but my family loves music. I rather found my way through, listened to a lot; I mean a lot of music J and decided on my own what clicks with me.
How did you start to write music?
The writing began last year amidst one of the worst periods of my life. I was lost in deep loneliness and a sense of regret that I’ve never experienced before. I choose to deal with my feelings through music rather than talking to people. I am a teenager, sometimes it is complicated to make myself understood, so I rather knew that writing was the only way to express myself.
What is Romania Pop?
Romanian pop music has always been very appreciated at a national level and I remember I was little when some artists such as Inna, Alexandra Stan, O-zone and others became famous worldwide. The reality is that the definition of pop is a bit different outside of our borders. What we call pop here, might be dance anywhere else. I have respect for all the artists that made it abroad, although I don’t necessarily identify myself with their music. It takes a lot of work and commitment to make it, I am sure. As for me, I might come across as a bit more indie here, in Romania. My music is not what we call “mainstream”. However, I just write and perform what I feel and what comes from within my feelings and struggles.
What was your first performance at like?
My first performance was when I was 9 in front of about 100 people and I was too little to realize what was really happening. I remember experiences all sorts of emotions, going from fear to great excitement.
What was the title of your first original song? Did you record it?
My first song is entitled, Broke My Heart” and I have recently recorded it. Remained in my phone for quite sometimes, then stumbled into it and decided this year that I should record it.
Your first song that people heard was “On My Mind” How did you create the sound?
I created the song, On My Mind” with my producer and the sound is a mixture of styles and vibes. We decide together to be my first single as, at that time, it perfectly embodied my feelings and me as an artist.
How the band did gets its name?
It was a combination of words, like a pun, something to relate to the fact we aim to always be present in the listeners’ minds.
You just released “Never Be the Same”. Tell me the backstory about it?
I metamorphosed one of my personal experiences into a love story where the girl gives everything and consumes all her love for the wrong person. Putting it simple, I wanted to empathize with all the people that live this kind of love and help them realize they are stuck in the wrong place.
What is your favorite track on the album?
I think my favorite track is, On My Mind” and that is mostly because of the lyrics. They were written by my producer and somehow he perfectly put into words what I was feeling back then. In addition, it carries a special meaning because it was my first official single.
What are dreams in melancholy?

Melancholy opens a gate to marvelous lands where your imagination can build everything you desire. Like Alice in Wonderland, for me, melancholy is the door to the realm where everything is possible and no rules apply.
How do you stay healthy while touring?
I am a healthy person due to my daily routine and while I am touring I try to adapt and choose the best options to keep me on the track. I am also very young, so my body works with me, let us say. So, ask me this again, in twenty years J
What are you are feeling about streaming music?
Well, I guess, at least for now, streaming is the future. All streaming platforms play a very important part in getting my songs out there, to people all over the world. Of course, a very good marketing & PR strategy helps spread the word, but the thing is, people can also accidentally stumble upon your music while scrolling through their favorite streaming app, so, I find this very interesting and challenging at the same time.
Digital vs. vinyl?
Definitely vinyl. I am an old-fashion girl. To be honest, my parents listened to vinyl while growing up, so I always had them in our home. A couple of years ago, vinyl came back in fashion, so that was convenient for me.
Any plans to tour.
Yes, that is the obvious next step. I am excited about it. I cannot wait for people everywhere to get to see me live and I am really looking forward to meeting them as well. For now, I am in the studio, practicing a lot with my band.
What are your feelings about the social uprising going on in the United States?
This brought me so much sadness. I live in a country where we do not have these problems. We have a lot of others, but not this one. I am only 16, but I could never understand why people do not just get along regardless of the color of the skin. We are all the same; we are human beings capable of love and so much more other amazing feelings. Hate should not exit. Black lives matter and they should have always mattered. In addition, yes, everyone should understand this and support them. US is the land of freedom, or at least this is what I was taught in school. Therefore, it is high time to prove this.
What song from the past is in your mind right now? In addition, what is the meaning that song means to you?
I have been humming, You Are The Best Thing” by Ray LA Montagne for a few days now. This song gives me a very good mood, its lyrics get me going and bring me some positiveness in these crazy times.
How the Covid-19 virus is affected your school?

At the moment, my high school is closed and I can say I started to adapt to the current conditions. We are having online classes: tricky, but there is not much to do for now. I will get back to normal in September.
How do you feel the Covid-19 virus going to affect the music business in the future?
The pandemic gave us all a moment of silence and inspiration and I think that after this break artists will be more eager to offer, and the public to receive. From a creative point of you, this break made me, at least, hungry for sharing with the world all I have done creatively while in lockdown.
What have you been doing with your self-quarantine?
I wrote a lot in my diary, I wrote in it everything that went through my head during the quarantine. I took refuge on the roof of my house, with a notebook and a pen. Of course, I spent a lot of time on the phone, I wrote songs, I meditated, and I tried as much as possible to distract myself from all the chaos of this period. At the end of the day, I hope everything was not in vain, I hope we’ll learn from this, we’ll love each other more and we’ll be more patient with ourselves
Have you discovered or rediscovered any new hobbies?
I discovered meditation. I realized how much it helps me with stress. Now I take time more for myself, I am a teenager who fell in love with yoga. Oh, and I nourished my love for horses. I always felt a special connection with them, I have been riding since I was very little and my parents always encouraged me to keep close to my favorite animal, the horse. When I ride, I detach from this world, I feel like floating; horses bring so much joy to my life.
Many people are doing nightly concerts over either YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Are you planning to do something like that?
Writing, that is what I turned to in this period. More than just writing lyrics, writing in general, putting down in an old fashioned notebook all my thoughts and feeling, the somewhat complex and intricate emotions that a teenager goes through.
Do you think it will be possible to make a living doing concerts this way?
I think so. Given the conditions, outdoor concerts cannot be held at the moment and the only option is social media concerts. It’s the only way to keep the connection with your fans, at this time.
First, it was an article in the New York Times, then Rolling Stones talked about it and finally Live Nation CEO said that concerts might not start again until fall of 2021. Do you think this could happen?
I do not really know what to say about that. As you can see, things are starting slowly to go back to normal. The Covid-19 cases are decreasing day by day. At the same time, all festivals, in Europe at least, are cancelled for 2020. It’s still early to say we beat this, it’s a safety measure which I can understand. However, I try to be as optimistic as possible in this situation; it is just a matter of time. Everything will be fine.
With Social Distance being the norm. Do you feel that it may be the end of music fest for the next couple of years?
I expect festivals to resume their activity next year, it sounds crazy to imagine a world without them, at least for an artist, but, well, this is the reality we live in at the moment. I truly hope 2021 will mean normality for festival lovers
What about Holographic concerts in our living room?
It sound really cool, I mean, well, it might be the future, who knows. I still believe in the human connection through music, that will never be replaced, I think.
How do you see yourself in the next five years?
I do not know, this industry can be very unpredictable, you never know what to expect. I hope I will succeed in my international career. I know it’s a lot of work and I won’t stop until I’ll get what I want, because music is my life, I don’t think I could do anything except that; most importantly, I don’t want to do something else. I am just a kid, I am just starting, I want the entire world to hear my music, to listen to my lyrics, to get to know Francis, the girl from far, far away, from a country most people have not heard of. It is a challenge for me, one I am so excited to take. This Romanian teenager, from a small town, wants to share her musical journey with the rest of the world; I just hope I will be given the chance to do it.
Anything you would like to say in closing.
I enjoyed answering your questions and if you want to hear more about Francis On My Mind, you can follow me on Instagram and Facebook: Kisses!
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