Five Finger Death Punch (aka FFDP or 5FDP) Brings Heavy Metal to Chicago
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
Tinley Park, IL, USA just outside Chicago
Wednesday, August 29, 2019
A black curtain covered the stage, anticipation was getting heavy from a packed outdoor stadium of metal fans, all were waiting for a band that I and thousands were here to see. The lights went black and the first hard note pulsed out as the curtain fell. The front man, with red hand print on his face, was dead center and his band in tune, this is Five Finger Death Punch (FFDP or 5FDP) going into Lift Me Up! A hard punching bass note that gets the fans pumping with their fists and heads in heavy metal motion. Tonight performing on their summer/fall tour in Chicago in support of the current album “And Justice for None” is the band Five Finger Death Punch.
During most of the night this house of FFDP at Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre was always on it’s feet. The pavilion pit, lawn and seated people were all in unison as Ivan Moody belted out, “It ain’t no mystery, I’m all I have left, I’m pushing back running you over….” I was waiting for Rob Halford to come out as he did in the Revolver Golden Gods Awards in 2013.

The set design had a huge skull with baseball bats as the cross and bones of a pirate flag. This was directly above and behind Jeremay Spensor and his drum set. Spencer made up as a skeleton, the costume he has worn for many years. On bass is Chris Kael who is a monster on stage, standing tall and the longest beard in metal. Pounding out bass notes that put you in a heavy metal frenzy. On guitar is Jason Hook playing hard with several electric guitars throughout the night, some that light even lit up with lasers. During a few songs, Hook even pulled out an acoustic guitar to slow things down and make us think. Now one of the powerhouses of heavy metal vocals is Ivan Moody. A showman with a deep voice who will hit power notes and melodies as well as bring it down to horror in screams. Then you have the one and only Zoltan Bathory who is the founding member of this great band on guitar. Sometime during this concert, Moody defines how the two met with monologue just before the song Burn MF. “..long time ago and far far away. There’s a guy the Zoltan. ‘You gotta come check my band.’ over time and time, you talked me into it. I said OK. What are they called? ‘Five Finger Death Punch!'” All the FFDP fans go wild in cheers. “Holy… Walmart is going fuckin hate us.” Then Five Finger Death punch goes int to the song Burn MF.
“...long time ago and far far away. There’s a guy the Zoltan. ‘You gotta come check my band.’ over time and time, you talked me into it. I said OK. What are they called? ‘Five Finger Death Punch!'” All the FFDP fans go wild in cheers. “Holy… Walmart is going fuckin hate us.”
~Ivan Moody (2019)
During the performance the stage seemed like the fires from hell. The stage was lit up with flame just about every song. If you were close enough you would feel the heat. The view of the full stage from further back was a sight for eyes with a giant teethed skull engulfed with flame and visuals on screen during sets.
Over the years I have heard and read various articles of the negative writes ups of this band. However, many online magazines that favor metal the reputation of FFDP exceeds all the major outlets with tremendous favor. This band may sound pissed off, even the recent song which was the first release of their new record, “And Justice For None” titled “Sham Pain” has lyrics that infuse this scenario about major media outlets and their negativism of FFDP. All that said, looking around in this stadium, which has to be to capacity, only shows the greatness of Five Finger Death Punch. The fans are here and there is nothing that can be said of this band that is not at it’s best.
Ivan Moody of Five Finger Death Punch
“…who cares what you think. One, Two, Three Fuck You!” ~Ivan Moody jumps into song with Jason Hook. His guitar lighting up the show with laser lights thrown through the stadium from his freaking guitar. I guess all he wanted was laser lights and it was done.
Five Finger Death Punch on many occasions is known in bringing up the children on stage to introduce to the audience who will become the new generation of heavy metal. Tonight Ivan Moody noted that they had too much pyrotechnics on stage and it was not safe. Moody states with laughter, “I’m not going to jeopardize your kid.” I am sure you can find numerous Youtube videos and FFDP official video concert of this event.
Ivan Moody goes into answering the question which is on the ears of all FFDP fans? What is going on with him, Ivan begins, “As you all know. The last couple of years…my life’s been hell… I been a shit show.” sarcastically going, “… you almost died!,” “What I’m trying to get at is.. I want you to understand something this is factual, not fabricated, I was pronounced dead for 3 minutes. True story. When I woke up first thing out of my mouth is, ‘Please don’t tell my band.’ I am lucky enough to have band mates and friends who stood next to me throughout this. And to have the greatest motherfucking fans on earth. Thank you for your love. I don’t give a shit what anyone tells you. Sometimes we all get lost on the wrong side of heaven.”

Jason Hooks of Five Finger Death Punch
Some of the highlights of the show were the set up of an acoustical set with Jason Hook and Moody.
“We have the greatest mother fucking fans on earth. Thank you for your love,” notes Moody. Then Hook and Moody go into “The Other Side of Heaven.” This was more of a sing-a-long with the fans. Everyone sang word for word. This song is a solemn moment for band, with their own experiences as well as who the video is dedicated to, our Veterans. The video for “Wrong Side of Heaven” featured our veteran soldiers who return from horror of war, and each have their own event in life. During the song Ivan Moody goes back into dialogue before mashing into “Remember Everything.”
During the show aside from Hook playing several guitars, Moody would change his shirt multiple times. Then just before the song “Under and Over It” he comes out with a baseball bat. Again this was a heavy metal loud monent with fans. Ivan controlled the stage, as he did for all the songs, back and fort. Taking that bad and pointing it to the stage. Finally he gave the the bat up to a fan. The engagement between all of the band with people was something to look forward when coming to a FFDP concert. Fire, lights and confetti, that is the experience. I and this stadium of fans had this night was awesome and heartfelt. A break off from real life during the week. The sweat that this band dedicates to a great concert is something to believe in.

Chris Kael of Five Finger Death Punch
Till the next time we see Five Finger Death Punch. It’s just “Never Enough.”
Five Finger Death Punch is Zoltan Bathory, Ivan Moody, Jeremy Spencer, Jason Hook and Chris Kael.
Five Finger Death Punch Chicago Setlist
- Lift Me Up
- Trouble
- Wash It All Away
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Bad Company
- Never Enough
- Wrong Side of Heaven
- Remember Everything
- Coming Down
- Burn MF
- Gone Away
- Under and Over It
- The Bleeding

Jeremy Spencer of Five Finger Death Punch
FFDP songs were sung and repeated by fans word for word. This shows you the love people have for this band called Five Finger Death Punch. As the song ends cheering, clapping and horns do not stop. “Are you not entertained. When I say Five Finger, you say,” Death Punch three times, … we’ll see you next time.” As the close comes to the end the speakers play “The House of the Rising Sun” with Ivan singing the first bar and “…you guys have a great fucking time.” The band went out shaking hands with fans and throwing out picks and drum sticks. FFDP were gracious to the fans. Following up with the socials which blew up within the FFDP realm of the net. Good Night from Chicago.
Learn more about Five Finger Death Punch | Five Finger Death Punch at #UnRatedMagazine
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