Don’t be That Guy in the Audience, it is CKY
Route 20 Outhouse, Sturavent, Wisconsin, USA, October, 26, 2018
by Coren McLeod
We all have to admit, going to a concert is a great time. It’s somewhat of a relief to get out of the everyday mundane life of the hustle and bustle of the world.
Hell, if I’m not at a concert at least twice a week, I’m wondering what is wrong and how I can change that. On Friday, October 26th at Route 20 Outhouse in Sturavent, Wisconsin, the ever impressive, post-grunge/metalcore band CKY.
I’ve been a fan of this band for….. awhile. I love the subtle hunting sounds with a cool hip vibe of goth thrown in. Yes. There have been changes throughout the years

CKY (credit: Coren McLeod)
of band members. Yet, I find the current lineup to be very entertaining and shows a great “brotherhood” of just wanting to make great music.
The frontman and lead singer Chad is mesmerizing to watch. Tall, dark and mysterious, he has it all. A voice of a true man and the confidence of one, Chad is that single element all bands need: swagger.
I have been somewhat enthralled with bass players this past year and I don’t know why. Matt of CKY just brought it that night at Route 20 OutHouse. His moves were captivating. His riffs were phenomenal. One could tell he truly enjoys what he does and it shows in his playing. I was beyond words fascinated with Matt. In fact, I may take up learning how to play bass because of him. And a few other bass players I’ve seen this year…. #justsaying
Since I was once a drummer myself, I feel somewhat of a connection with each one I see. And Matt did not disappoint. He’s rough yet plays with a precise handling which makes it a spectacle to witness.
In all, the kick off to CKY’s fall tour was awesome. However, some advice: don’t be that one guy in the audience who happens to drink too much, gets way too excited and jumps on stage with the band thinking you’re a rock star. You just ruined the great experience and atmosphere for all of those around you.
With social media at its peak right now, a lot of people saw you, dude. You now will be known as “That guy at the CKY show…”
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