Peoria, Illinois – August 3, 2019
By: Jenafur Schlangen
There has been something brewing in Central Illinois with regard to the music scene in that area and it’s been going on for more than a decade now. It is a little known fact and, by far, the best kept secret within the entire United States of America. This is no joke. It is real, it is amazing, and I witnessed it firsthand on August 3rd, along the riverfront, in Peoria, IL.
Actually, I have been privy to the music scene in this specific area for years but, then again, I am originally from Central Illinois, so I have known about this secret and like thousands of others nearby, have kept it closely guarded. That is, until now. It is FINALLY time to break the silence and let the world know of the music awesomeness has been happening in this area! And, man, what a way to let ya’ll in on this little nugget of music greatness than with a quick review of the August 3rd spectacle, taking place along Peoria’s riverfront, featuring three of THE most prominent Central Illinois rock/metal bands to date: The Good Year Pimps, Taxi War Dance, and Nil8. Each of these bands are wildly popular and always have a packed crowd in front of them….ALWAYS.
The best part of this is that none of these bands are on a major label at the moment, which is a good thing for those in the area because going to see a show like this is not just a concert, it is truly a community event, but on a mass scale. You are bound to run into a familiar face or two (dozen) and someone is always ‘a friend of someone in the band.’ You certainly don’t get that type of down-home camaraderie at a national show at some amphitheater….as I learned in ‘some amphitheater,’ seeing another “Heart of Illinois” band, Mudvayne, or as I call them, “the ones that got away,” as they also used to be a part of this “secret” music scene that everyone there loves so much.
The Goodyear Pimps – a/k/a “The Pimps” – The Ones that Almost Got Away
The Goodyear Pimps, or “The Pimps” for short, is unlike any other band I have ever encountered. They are a self-described, “3 chord [punk] rock ‘n roll” band out of Rockford, IL. They are a group of life-long friends who take nothing too seriously and clearly love what they do. They are constantly engaging their fans, who appear enthusiastically by the hundreds at each and every one of their shows, regardless of city. It’s almost as if they become friends with everyone they are facing when on stage and, honestly, I believe their fans believe that as well. This is definitely part of that camaraderie that I’m talking about. And, after a 5-year hiatus, you can definitely trust that their fans, i.e. “friends” were eager to have them back, myself included.

Speaking of the hiatus, I had a chance to sit down with vocalist, Stu, prior to the show and I asked him where in the hell they had been for the past few years. He basically told me that “life” had occurred, as it always seems to do and the band just needed to handle some of their own personal business. He mentioned that some of them had children and others were focused on other things that were pressing to them, individually. For instance, guitarist, “Hilly,” had dealt with some serious substance abuse issues and needed the time to completely overcome them, of which he did successfully a few years ago. I could definitely see a sense of pride (and relief) on Stu’s face as he was telling me about this. There’s that camaraderie again.

Stu also told me the story of how they were to reunite with one another after a good few years apart. He told me of a dear friend of his that he knew through music, Tim Freeze, who was losing his battle with brain cancer and was at home in hospice care. He said that Tim’s wife, Diane had called him up and asked him if he wanted to drop by and spend some time with them. Of course, Stu didn’t hesitate. But, it was when Diane suggested he bring his guitar that he did hesitate. It had been years since he had even touched his guitar, with the exception of giving a lesson here and there. He responded to her, “Yeah, I don’t really play anymore, I just haven’t had the inspiration or care to, and don’t think I’d be very good.” Diane said, “Stu, he’s a pretty easy audience at this point.” So, after visiting his friend, he was so deeply impacted by the effect his music had on Tim. He told me of how he played and how Tim closed his eyes, almost being transported from his body, thus not sick anymore, if even for those few moments. It was then when he realized the power of music and how he missed creating it with his life-long pals, The Goodyear Pimps. So, after a phone call or two, there they all were….back together again….just talking and catching up. Fast-forward a couple of months and they are back at it and back at it with a vengeance, I might add. Currently they are only playing out two new tunes, “Scum” and “Bomb My Country,” but, I am positive there will be many more debuts to come.

I refer to The Pimps as “The Ones Who Almost Got Away,” because they were signed (albeit briefly) to Hollywood Records. It was a brief stint not because of poor record sales or a failing tour response, quite the contrary. The Pimps decided to cease the relationship because the parent company of Hollywood Records, Disney, wanted them to “tone down” their racy (and sometimes downright raunchy) lyrics and the band outright refused. This is reason no. 52,652 why these guys are awesome.

Just a hint on their music style when you check them out live (which I am highly encouraging you to do so), they are influenced by the following: NIL8, Fugazi, Hank Sr., Waylon, Johnny, Tom, Wolf, Beethoven, The Ramones, the first Arctic Monkeys record, Carla Bruni, Eagons Unicats and Dave for some reason loves Styx. [Note: This info was taken straight from their FB page, i.e. “artists we like”]. Their set is extremely upbeat, loud, and quite frankly, hilarious.

Stu is the perfect font man for The Pimps. His commentary and banter is worthy of a SNL skit and the entire band is unbelievably talented and super tight. They most certainly play off one another, both musically and in a comedic manner.

Lastly, be prepared to accept their invitation to jump on stage and jam with them. Hell, they might even pass you a guitar to play along. No music skills? No problem! Get your ass up there and just dance! I can tell you one thing, I’m dancing right this second simply because I’m just so happy that The Good Year Pimps are back!!

In terms of the other two bands, Taxi War Dance and Nil8, respectively, these two are cherished by those in the Central Illinois area, most definitely.
Taxi War Dance
Taxi War Dance, from Peoria, IL, has a sound so full of intense energy that it is impossible to sit still. Actually, it is impossible not to jump to every heavy-hitting beat, especially when there are hundreds of people surrounding you doing the exact same. It is a given that you will walk away from a Taxi War Dance set drenched in sweat. This is a fact that everyone clearly embraces, simply based upon the genuine smiles that are prominent upon all of those hundreds of sweaty bodies heading to the beer trucks for hydration.

Nil8 hails from Springfield, IL, and have a similar style to that of The Goodyear Pimps. They are incredibly tight and are seriously a force that cannot be ignored. They are influenced (per their FB page) by: Black Flag, Flipper, Gang of Four, Minor Threat, Dead Kennedys, SS Decontrol, Pixies, Bad Brains, Avail, etc. They also have that comedic ability to engage with their fans, including them within the process of specific songs performed. If you’re not familiar, don’t worry, they will make sure to introduce themselves loud and clear….and welcome you into their world with open arms.

The thing is, all three of these bands have an enormous and very loyal following. To an outsider looking in, you would not believe your eyes and ears when attending one of these “gatherings.” It is 100% always packed and the music is unbelievably tight, as I cannot stress enough. But, the thing that stands out most though, at least in my opinion, is just how full of joy is emitted from the crowd. It’s crazy. This is hair-raising rock and roll at full volume and EVERYONE is smiling and having a great time. Yes, even those who are “in the pit.” I have never seen anything like it. It’s mind-boggling, to say the least. Do yourself a favor when you’re looking for something new, edgy, and fun to listen to or see: Check ALL of these bands out. You will not be disappointed. And, if you are ….well, there is just no hope for you.
#ThePimps #Taxi War Dance #Nil8 #RIPTimFreeze
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