Interview conducted on October 24, 2020
By Dan Locke
Post-punk male-female duo band. Two basses and a drum machine. No Guitar, No BS.
Band Members: Karen Righeimer and Ivan Russia
What is your upbringing?
Karen: I was classically trained in the cello starting in grade school, and was a theatre minor through college however both never stuck to turn professionally. I enjoyed playing loud music too much.
How did you discover music?
Karen: I was at a birthday sleepover and only knew the birthday girl. Everyone was super clicky except for this one super awkward girl just like me. I ended up bonding with her and she introduced me to Depeche Mode that night. She’s still my best friend.
Ivan: I found a Don Mclean record in a ditch by the low side of the highway.
How did you start to write music?
Karen: It took a long time for me to get into writing music. My first few real gigs were with cover bands, so I didn’t start writing music until later. I don’t ever think of myself as a primary composer, but I’m able to contribute to the process.
What was your first performance like?
Karen: My first performance… ever? Some sort of musical theatre in school. My first ever band performance was at a college frat party where we played four songs. We were a crappy punk rock band, but I think everyone was at one point in their life.
What makes a good songwriter?
“say what you mean and you put a back-beat to it.”
What was the title of your first original song? Did you record it?
Ivan: The first song we wrote as a band was “Knife”, which is on the ‘Unicorn Bones’ EP. It’s a bit tightened up from the first draft, but when we wrote that song on the very first day, we got together we knew we were onto something exciting.
How did you get the band together?
Ivan: We had both played in the same band at separate times and got to know each other at shows and the like. I got the bright idea to propose a new project to Karen outside of the bands we were in at the time. Progress was delayed by Karen being hit and run. Karen is an unstoppable force…or maybe an immovable object…either way when we finally did get together her stranglehold on a Thunderbird bass was immediately a lightning bolt for me creatively. We are both lifers musically so teaming up doubled our personal enthusiasm to create. The first day in the room “Knife” was born and the songs kept spilling out there after like winnings from my favorite slot machine.
Why Bellhead for the name of the band?
Duran Duran was taken
How did you decide to have two basses? Why no guitars?
Karen: The short answer is neither of us play guitar. We are both bass players who enjoy playing bass. Neither of us is a frustrated guitar player in disguise. I play the lower portion of the songs and Ivan mostly plays the mid / high.
Does your drum machine have a name? Because once I saw Ann and Nancy from the band Heart doing a solo tour and they were using a drum machine. Its name was Ringo?
Ivan: Big Black credited their drum machine as Roland and Sisters of Mercy used Doktor Avalanche. What I will say about our drum machine drummer that makes him better than the rest is he’s always on time, consistent on tempo and never talks politics.
Tell me about your latest release “Sanity Assassin”?
Ivan: After the announcement of the Bauhaus tour last year, we asked our listeners what song we should cover live as a tribute. We took their suggestions to heart, not only performing the track live but then recording it. “Sanity Assassin” was originally a non-album fan club release with only 300 copies by Bauhaus. We are grateful to our audience. Their likes, comments, shares, messages, enthusiasm at shows, purchases, all the comradery, we are grateful for their feedback.
Tell me about your EP “Unicorn Bones” Why that name? Remember the Unicorn is a mythical creature? Sometimes called a fabulous creature and fabulous beast, such as a supernatural animal, generally a hybrid which existence has not or cannot be proved and that is described in folklore, but also in historical accounts before history became a science.
Ivan: I was in a situation much like the end of ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ full of boxes and secrets and thought “If you were ever going to find the last unicorn it would be here except the unicorn would be long dead. Nothing but the bones.” When the Narwhal was first “discovered” science believed all animals on the land had a counterpart in the sea thus confirmation unicorns exist. The desire to believe in unicorns outstripped any desire for proof such as bones.
Where did you record the video for “Unicorn Bones”?
Karen: I can’t say where we shot for legal reasons. We walked 15 miles to do it. We brought a mate whose job was to just carry lots of water. We didn’t know it was going to be such an arduous task so we got him a nice apology gift when we got back. You might think it was hush money but that was covered with hamburgers directly after the shoot. Like RDJ in Iron Man, hamburgers are currency.
What is your favorite track on the album?
That’s like picking your favorite loved one.
How do you stay healthy while touring?
Karen: Ivan and I actually keep a pretty healthy lifestyle when we’re on the road. We limit alcohol, drink lots of water, and eat vegetarian 100% of the time. That way we can be at our A game from the first show all the way to the last.
What are your feelings about streaming music?
Ivan: Our audience is very genuine with their reactions to our new releases if they purchase CDs downloads or streams. I am glad to offer a variety of avenues to access our songs.
Digital vs. vinyl?
Karen: I actually still like buying CDs over downloading online, but there’s a place and time for all formats. Personally, I want to bring back the 8-track.
Ivan: CDs and hardcover books for days. I’ve got crates and crates of old-world Russian records.
The last event you play live in from a crowd was at Burlington Bar. At that time, we heard about the Covid-19 virus. Did you think it could affect the world the way it did?
Karen: I’m actually more disappointed in my food choices. The day before the shutdown I had a mediocre bar sandwich. If I knew I was going to be stuck inside for seven months I probably would have gone to Pequod’s instead.
In Canada, they just released a new Covid-19 vaccine for school children which gets rid of the invasive nasal swab and instead asks kids to gargle and spit. Now this is for children only. Should, this also be given to adults?
Karen: I’ve had the nasal swab three times now, and I can’t imagine having to perform that to a young child. It isn’t fun. But, we’re just musicians, we aren’t microbiologists or virologists so we’ll leave the vaccinations and testing recommendations to the professionals.
Ivan: I’m not a doctor but I did play one on TV. Unless there’s a reunion show my TV, medical degree has surely lapsed.
What song from the past is in your mind right now? Moreover, what is the meaning that song means to you?
Ivan: I was recently on a road trip listening to a lot of Uncle Alice Cooper. ‘Last Temptation’, the album that Neil Gaiman contributed to, sounds as fresh and fun as the day it came out.
What have you been doing with your self-quarantine?
Karen: We have spent this time wisely. We released an EP, a single, and two music videos. We continue to write new music and are always looking forward to what else we can do to keep active.
Ivan: We did a live stream from the beloved Livewire of Chicago with all proceeds going to the venue.
Have you discovered or rediscovered any new hobbies?
Karen: I’ve learned how to cross stitch, and new ways to annoy my husband.
Ivan: I also have found new ways to annoy Karen’s husband.
95% of people said that they have changed the way they watch television. This includes people who don’t have television and use their computers to do streaming of programs and movies. Which is your favorite streaming channel?
Karen: I have not had cable TV for well over a decade. Most of what I watch is on Netflix or Hulu, although I am excited for the next season of the Mandalorian on Disney+.
Many artists are doing nightly concerts over either YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In October that is going to change at least on Facebook. Facebook is cracking down on livestreamed shows that include recorded music with new terms of service, preventing artists from using the platform for “commercial or non-personal” purposes, unless they have obtained the relevant licenses. The updated music guidelines state that users “may not use videos on our products [which include Instagram] to create a music listening experience […] This will include [Facebook] Live,” and stipulates that such content should be posted for the enjoyment of friends and family only. How do you think this will change the landscape of Facebook?
Karen: Social media grows and changes similar to the music scene. Before the internet, bands were able to successfully promote shows. Before Facebook we had MySpace. Bands will be able to continue successfully, we just have to be creative on what’s next.
Ivan: Life… finds a way.
How can bands keep their fans if they cannot play live in front of the fans and sell merch to them at the show?
Karen: That’s something we have been dealing with a lot because we really are a live band that likes to tour. During 2020 we’ve released an EP, a single, limited-run merch, two videos, and contributed to a cancer benefit compilation. We’ve also done a few virtual interviews including one with James VanOsdol on Car Con Carne and Michael Nagy. Our hope is that we can keep people engaged with current content until we’re able to play live again.
Ivan: We also did a benefit for Nashville Tornado Musicians. We recently did a virtual stream at LiveWire in Chicago to help raise money for the bar. It was a fun time and they really brought their A-game to the video sessions. I’m thankful our performance was able to help them financially, and we had over 5,000 views. We had six months of shows booked at the beginning of the year. As disappointed as I am, we were not able to play live much, I have enjoyed Karen and I concocting new avenues of engagement that if nothing else keep us entertained. Our audience has been wonderful, engaging with us, and giving great feedback.
Do you feel that places like the Metro and Bottom Lounge will last the pandemic without the new Cares Bill passing?
Karen: We hope that the owners of all the independent venues will be able to stay open after this, but we cannot comment on specific venues because we don’t know their specific operating needs. I hope that the public continues to support all local businesses as this is a tough time right now.
Is pay to play still a thing?
Karen: Honestly, we’re not sure. I’ve heard from other bands that this is still a thing, however, we do not play gigs that are pay-to-play. I mean, maybe if the situation arose that Bauhaus needed an opener at Red Rocks Stadium, we may consider that 😉
Are you going to vote by mail or in person? Did you know that Live Nation Activates Concert Venues as Polling Places and Promotes Voting Engagement among Fans and Employees?
Karen: I voted by mail- I’ve done so for the past 3 major elections. I like voting from home by mail so I can take my time reviewing all of the candidates on the ballot.
Ivan: I’m a Russian felon.
What about Holographic concerts in our living room?
Karen: There was a video game in the late 80’s/early 90’s that I think was called Time Traveler. I’d spend way too much money at the arcade trying to get a hologram cowboy to shoot a knight and I could never get past the first level. I’ve hated holograms ever since.
Ivan: Truly Outrageous. I don’t know if it’s the fishnets but I always thought The Misfits had better songs.
If you can’t do music what would you like to be doing?
Karen: I have a background in Archaeology, so I guess if I wasn’t doing music, I’d like to be working in a museum.
Anything you would like to say in closing.
Be excellent to each other. Don’t go chasing waterfalls.
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