Aleksandra Duda- Polish singer songwriter for the band Ola Duda
Interview conducted on October 12, 2020
By Dan Locke
A vocalist from an early age, a new songwriter and music author.
What is your upbringing?
If you meant where and how I grow up – I am from little town Bukowno which is between huge cities in Poland like Katowice and Cracow. I end up there at my primary school then I went to my high school nearby my hometown – I got into class with a math-physics-English profile. I attended to vocal and volleyball classes after school lessons until I went to high school. Then I had a little “music break” or even maybe “life break” because I wasn’t so sure what I would like to do in the future and I feel anxious about that.
How did you discover music?
I always had it in my veins! Before I even started talking, I had been singing, haha.
How did you start to write music?
I realized that I have always dreamed of being a true artist who will release my own music. I wanted to share my all feelings with the audience and then I decided to write a song.
How did you get your first guitar, and do you still have it?
I got it from my first guitar teacher. Yes, I still have it.
How did you get your stage name?
My original name is Aleksandra, but “Ola” is a name diminutive from it. It is very common name in Poland. “Duda” because it is my surname. I am not so sure if it will be my final stage name – lately, I have been thinking of pseudonym, but nothing reasonable comes to my mind, haha.
Are you a model or musician first?
Vocalist! Definitely… but all mentioned above are also relevant for me and wonderful.
What was your first performance at like?
I was 5 years old. It was my first competition at all. I was standing on this huge stage (although today it is not, but for a little child, it was bigger). I didn’t see anything because of headlights shining straight in my face and that was the first reason for being stressed. I remember also that I repeated, again and again, lyrics of the song in my head, which I didn’t want to forget.
What makes a good songwriter?
I don’t know yet, but I suppose that somebody who is as much authentic as she/he can. Lyrics and music should be straight from the heart – not fake or made up. However, as I said, I don’t have much experience in being a songwriter, so I might be wrong.
What was the title of your first original song? Did you record it?
I don’t remember, but I know that I started in primary school and these songs have never been recorded. I don’t even know where or if they are somewhere.
Why did you record Megan Trainor “Dear Future Husband”?
I liked this song and nowadays it is very common to sing some popular, English songs in other languages. I decided to make a polish version of “Dear Future Husband” and its title sounds “ Mój Ty chłopaku” .
You just released the song Deaf. Tell me about the meaning of the video. And why you pick Black and White for the background?
It was my video maker’s idea. We agreed that it will more reflect the emotions and feelings associated with this song. In my opinion, by this video clip colours people can identify with this song much more.
Why did you cry like a beaver while writing the song Deaf?
Hahaha, how did you know that? I assume that because I experienced situations in which I was misunderstood, ignored or just lonely. Even if I try my best.
Which video is your best?
In terms of production definitely “Deaf”, but if we talk about of style of video clip I would choose “Nie tylko”.
How do you stay healthy while performing?
Hmmm… I would rather say – While performing I stay healthy. I am sure that it helps me keep, especially, my mind in good condition.
If you ask how I take care of myself not to get a cold – I eat a vast amount of vegetables, fruits and drink a lot of water. I avoid junk food, candies, and so on. I also exercise a minimum of three times a week.
What are you’re feeling about streaming music?
I think that it is one of good opportunities to be heard by others. Not just your friends, collogues or family, but foreign people.
Digital vs. vinyl?
Right now, I just can dream about vinyl, soooo…. Digital.
With Poland at level 3 of risk for Covid-19. And the risk is still high, what is the mental health situation of Poland?
I am not an expert, but I read that at the beginning of lockdown cases of violence increased. Talking with my friends I noticed that most of them are worried and anxious about what tomorrow will bring. The situation is unusual and it is definitely hard to adapt – you can’t be sure if you will have a job if some of your friends or family will become ill. Fortunately, we have an action called “Psychologists for Society” (pl: “Psycholodzy dla Społeczeństwa”) in which a vast amount of specialists are included and help people to survive emotionally this tough times. You can choose a psychologist or therapist and tell them about your problems, worries – everybody can have three meetings. I also made an appointment and I don’t regret it! I support such actions with all my heart like this mentioned above.
Do you think kids should go back to school?
I don’t really know. On the one hand, it would be better considering the effectiveness of learning online. It is not as good as gaining knowledge “live” where the teacher always can help, explain. It is much more difficult via the internet. On the other hand, if kids will go to school coronavirus will be spreading and it will be risky.
What song from the past is in your mind right now? Moreover, what is the meaning that song means to you?
Justin Timberlake – “What goes around… comes around”. I think that some kind of emptiness and being lonely. I am fortunate that it isn’t the history of my life right now, but despite this, I identify with this song a lot.
How do you feel the Covid-19 virus going to affect the music business in the future?
It can be devastating… A vast amount of companies had to fire some of their employees. Some areas of the economy are stuck or their progress is less. It is hard to predict what will happen.
What have you been doing with your self-quarantine?
I tried to do creative things and not to get crazy. In self- quarantine I started to make my own music seriously. I arranged musicians, video makers, sound engineers, check out how to upload music on streaming, and so on. I also exercised more often, I was programming and write my own website (I am Computer Science’s student), learn to make up techniques, by watching films I was learning a new language (Spanish) and I cleaned every corner of my room, haha.
I must admit that I am not a person who doesn’t mind changes. I always want to be sure what to do and know what will happen – this sounds impossible because life is too diverse to be predictable. I really want not to be sure about the future and don’t bother about it.
95% of people said that they have changed the way they watch television. This includes people who don’t have television and using their computers to do streaming of programs and movies. Which is your favorite streaming channel?
If we talk about films – Netflix. I don’t watch TV.
Many artists are doing nightly concerts over either YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In October that is going to change at least on Facebook. Facebook is cracking down on live-streamed shows that include recorded music with new terms of service, preventing artists from using the platform for “commercial or non-personal” purposes, unless they have obtained the relevant licenses.
The updated music guidelines state that users “may not use videos on our products [which include Instagram] to create a music listening experience […] This will include [Facebook] Live,” and stipulates that such content should be posted for the enjoyment of friends and family only.
How do you think this will change the landscape of Facebook?
![Aleksandra Duda](
Oooh, I didn’t know about that. In my case, there is no difference, because I haven’t been planning live concerts via Fb yet. According to very popular artists who still want to perform for their audience, these licenses can be an impediment and I don’t think that they will be content with new changes of Fb. I suppose that people will complain.
With no real live music (mostly virtual shows) expect for things like Drive-In Theater shows with crowds for the past 6 months, what do you think will be the future of music?
I hope that in next few years all will be back to normal and I even believe that it will happens.
How can bands keep their fans if they cannot play live in front of the fans and sell merch to them at the show?
In my point of view, be in contact with them by Fb Fan Page constantly, creating new music and share on YouTube and streaming services, arranging fun and crazy actions like asking your fans about singing a certain song and then combine all of this people together in one film, sharing a photo with an interesting description, showing films “behind scenes” until making a video clip. There are many other options… So, different people – many ideas.
Live Nations just started Live Nation from Home. Which are concerts from artist homes. An all-new virtual music hub keeping fans connected to their favorite artists featuring daily live streams, performances, new music, and more. Do you think it will be possible to make a living doing concerts this way?
Yes, I even watched that kind of concert! It is not the same pleasure as going to a concert with good sound quality and amazing lights, but as a solution to pandemic seems to be good for me.
For smaller bands who do not play large crowds, this is not really an issue. How do you see bands going back to smaller venues and doing things like play for the door, with no guarantees?
Hmmm… if it is their only job, I must admit that it is not reliable source of income. If we talk about having fun… why not?
With Social Distance being the norm. Do you feel that it may be the end of the music fest for the next couple of years?
There is always a probability. I hope that it will not happen because it will break my little heart. I would rather stay positive and try my best to make music.
What about Holographic concerts in our living room?
To be honest, I have googled “what is a holographic concert” after reading this question, haha. Sounds interesting, but I have never attended to such a concert, so it is hard to say. Seems a little bit pointless for me, because if you want you can always watch live concert via YouTube on your computer, but on the other side – maybe to this kind of concert new technology will be used and it will be good. I can’t make up my mind, haha.
How do you see yourself in the next five years?
Hmmm. I would know that! Probably I will be working in a corporation as a web developer or programmer. I will also constantly make my own music and release it amongst people. Maybe I will get married, who knows. Long-distance planning has this problem that life doesn’t care about it at all.
I would rather keep doing more than planning.
Anything you would like to say in closing.
I want to thank all readers who lasted to the end of this interview and Daniel Locke who gave me this chance to present myself and my music to you. I hope that you all live in happiness, peace, and love!
And if you are not – I wish you all the best. Remember, all of is happening right now it will pass.
So, appreciate the beautiful moments of your life and take a lesson from this less pleasant.
Kisses and hugs,
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